


Steve Hallett and John Wright, authors of "Life Without Oil: Why We Must Shift to a New Energy Future."

Airs at: Thu, 02/16/2012 at 12:00am
Theresa Mitchell of Presswatch and Per Fagereng of Fight the Empire join forces for this special program looking at "Life Without Oil." Their guests are Steve Hallett and John Wright, authors of " Life Without Oil: Why We Must Shift to a New Energy Future ." Richard Heinbe... Read more

Interview with Chris Martenson, "Where is our economy going?"

Airs at: Wed, 02/15/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Political Perspectives
Chris Martenson looked at the facts and was greatly alarmed. He left his job at a top corporation to do more research, and produced a video seminar called The Crash Course. Now The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and the Environment  has bee... Read more

The Camino De Santiago -- Finding Your Way

Airs at: Wed, 02/22/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Recovery Zone
The Camino de Santiago is an 1100 year old pilgrimage with routes throughout Europe that end at Santiago de Compostela in Northwest Spain.  Thousands of people walk, bicycle or go by horseback every year. Host Stephanie Potter speaks with film maker Lydia Smith, whose first... Read more


Airs at: Mon, 02/20/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
In the 1990s the spotted owl became the icon for environmentalists' struggle to save the remaining old growth forests in the Pacific Northwest. But the spotted owl is not the only specie that needs old growth forests to survive. Twenty years ago the Marbled Murrelet was ... Read more

Getting to No Monsanto - from chemical weapons to your kitchen table

Airs at: Fri, 02/10/2012 at 12:00am
This podcast includes three interviews with Oregon residents who have stories to tell about Monsanto Chemical Corporation. It was originally broadcast over the air on KBOO.fm in Portland, Oregon on Friday, February 10th 2012 at 1:00 p.m. It was part of the all-day public af... Read more

Monsanto and You - from chemical weapons to your kitchen table

Airs at: Fri, 02/10/2012 at 12:00am
This program was originally broadcast over the air on KBOO.fm in Portland, Oregon on Friday, February 10, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. It was part of the all-day public affairs fund drive special on challenging corporate power. Your community radio station is standing up against corpo... Read more

Ben Gotschall; Nebraska Rancher on the Fight to Stop The Keystone XL Pipeline

Airs at: Fri, 02/10/2012 at 12:00am
Ben Gotschall 4th generation Nebraskan cattle rancher and Energy Director for Bold Nebraska talks about the fight to stop the Keystone XL Pipeline. This pipeline would cross the fragile Ogalalla Aquifer threatening the water supply and environment of much of Nebraska. This ... Read more

Anything goes for the U.S. military these days; plus more on the Great Birth Control Fracas of 2012.

Airs at: Tue, 02/14/2012 at 12:00am
  It's the Winter Membership Drive! Abe and Joe take your contributions, your phone calls, and hold forth on the newly-unaccountable U.S. military. Plus, the latest in the Great Birth Control Fracas of 2012.           Read more

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) 101

Airs at: Mon, 02/13/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Evening News
Normal 0 Who is ALEC and how do they purchase our democracy? Normal 0 The American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, is the venue through which global corporations and state politicians rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" re... Read more

Michael Shuman on his new book "Local Dollars, Local Sense: How to Shift Your Money from Wall Street to Main Street"

Airs at: Mon, 02/13/2012 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for More Talk Radio
Hosts Cecil Prescod and Celeste Carey speak with Michael Shuman about his new book "Local Dollars, Local Sense: How to Shift Your Money from Wall Street to Main Street and Achieve Real Prosperity--A Resilient Communities Guide" (from Chelsea Green.) Michael Shuman is direc... Read more