The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework is the latest free trade initiative
challenging the US and Asian-Pacific labor movements. Yimei Shao of the
Trade Justice Education Fund explains what's new and not new about Biden's
trade proposal.
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When the I5 freeway rammed its way through North and Northeast Portland in
the 1960s it devastated once thriving historically black neighborhoods,
demolishing over 300 homes, destroying locally owned businesses and
displacing hundreds of people. For most of the last century...
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On this episode of The Gap, Tammy and Althea talk local news -- Portland City
Councilor Dan Ryan gives an okay to Zenith Oil to continue their operations -
we thought this was the one thing Portland could agree on! No more fossil
fuel infrastructure! Very Cool Dan Ryan.
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The people who set up the COP conferences invite billionaires and their
enabling professionals to a poker game with a large herd of aggrieved
advocates.The game is rigged, but it takes ten days. But that is the
essential story of the conference, until now. With the physi...
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This program aired originally on 7/11/2022
Portland and other Oregon municipalities are required to inventory their
employment land periodically as part of the comprehensive planning process.
For decades the city has decided during each inventory process that it needs
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For the last few years, we seem to look back at the past year and say, next
year has to be better. But it never is. Or maybe we are focusing too much on
the negative – and there certainly is a lot of that to consider – rather
than appreciating some of the significant victor...
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Can we, humanity, prevent the fourth great extinction and looming climate
roasting? Bill Resnick talks to Tierra Curry of the Center for
Biodiversity. She’s a Senior Scientist and Director of the
Center’s Saving Life on Earth Campaign. She discusses the long standing
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Jon Nelson hosts this episode of the Old Mole, which includes the following
Labor Under Siege: Laurie Mercier talks to Harvey Schwartz about his new book
about the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), Labor Under
Siege: An Oral History of Big Bo...
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After a 17 year battle, communities across Southern Oregon (and the rest of
the region) finally defeated the massive Jordan Cove LNG Export terminal
proposed for Coos Bay. But not long after that victory a new fracked gas
behemoth threatens the region again. Gas Transmissio...
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Wired science journalist Matt Simon on his new book, A Poison Like No Other:
How Microplastics Corrupted Our Planet and Our Bodies.
Also, Julian Cribb, author and science hunter: the 10 game-ending threats to
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