So the electoral college has met and elected Joe Biden president, and Mitch
McConnell has finally congratulated Biden. After a close brush with the end
of democracy in America, is all well now? Or does this close call actually
amplify all the weaknesses and undemocratic fea...
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Portland-based singer-songwriter and activist David Rovics is active with
Portland Emergency Eviction Response. Also active in Portland are Don't Evict
PDX and the Portland Tenants United Eviction Defense.
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Ngaio Bealum is a very funny man, which is convenient because he’s a
professional comedian. He’s also a journalist, actor, activist,
chronisseur, raconteur, a good friend, and the very best weed comic in the
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On last month’s Left and the Law, Jan Haaken and Mike Snedeker reviewed
some of the inspiring victories in local elections on November 4th around
the country, from decriminalization of drug possession to progressive
prosecutors winning in various cities. Today, they look at...
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Bill Resnick speaks with Larry Kleinman, who co-founded and was the long time
Secretary-Treasurer of PCUN, Oregon’s farmworker union. He currently works
with the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), the national lobby for
immigrant rights. Larry and Bill discuss the cha...
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Denise Morris Host this Episode of the Old Mole which includes:
Immigration Reform: Bill Resnick speaks with Larry Kleinman, who co-founded
and was the long time Secretary-Treasurer of PCUN, Oregon’s farmworker
union. He currently works with the Fair Immigration Reform M...
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On this edition of the Gap, Tammy and Althea interview Hirsh Jain, the
Director of Government Affairs at NORML, a cannabis advocacy group in Los
Angeles. We discuss the Marijuana Oppotunity Reinvestment and Expungment Act
(MORE), which passed the U.S. House of Representa...
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Today, Donald Trump overturned decades of US and world policy by tweeting
that he quote "signed a proclamation recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over
the Western Sahara". He also added that Israel and Morocco have "agreed to
full diplomatic relations" - making it clear th...
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"We're talking about lives here, not just a policy... It's almost saying that
gun that killed you is gonna be the same gun that resurrects you. Well, guns
don't resurrect people, do they? But you keep shooting us."
On December 16th, Portland City Council will consider an...
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A vast array of tank farms, housing an even vaster array of toxic chemicals
and fossil fuels, lines the Willamette River as you head north along highway
30 in Northwest Portland. Known as Oregon’s Critical Energy Infrastructure
Hub, these tanks provide most of the fuel stor...
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