James and Nate talk with Stephen Jacobs, a Professor at Rochester Institute
of Technology's School of Interactive Games and Media and Scholar in
Residence at The Strong National Museum of Play. We talk about how one finds
themself as a scholar of games and play, the origina...
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Author Sidney Morrison joins us to discuss his book, Frederick
Douglass: a Novel, about the man considered the most prominent African
American of the 19th century. Frederick Douglass was instrumental in ending
the institution of slavery from which he escaped to becom...
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Our guests are Donovan Scribes and Sharon Gary-Smith, they are part of this
one-night event featuring film, activism, performance, poetry and history.
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Jon Nelson hosts this episode of the Old Mole, which includes the following
Middle East in Crisis: Laurie Mercier speaks with Juan Ricardo Cole about
Israel’s wars on Gaza and Lebanon and the response from the Biden
administration and American students on coll...
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If you’re following the polls obsessively, you’re putting your faith in a
phenomenon that does more to undermine democracy than enhance it. So argues
Samuel Earle in his recent review of a book by G. Elliott Morris, called
Strength in Numbers: How Polls Work and Why We Need...
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On this episode, the moles celebrate interspecies solidarity by
rebroadcasting an interview with Leigh Claire La Berge about her 2023 book,
Marx for Cats: A Radical Bestiary (Duke UP).
Cats and Marxism: Should Marxism be rooted in inter-species liberation? Or is
it alre...
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