


Thanksgiving Special - Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

Airs at: Thu, 11/27/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Political Perspectives
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks but for many the problematic history of the creation of this holiday casts a shadow on what Thanksgiving is supposed to represent.  On Thanksgiving morning, on KBOO, we bring you Indigenous voices on a Colonial Holiday. This Audio is p... Read more

Thanksgiving Special - Jacqueline Keeler

Airs at: Thu, 11/27/2014 at 12:00am
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks but for many the problematic history of the creation of this holiday casts a shadow on what Thanksgiving is supposed to represent.  On Thanksgiving morning, on KBOO, we bring you Indigenous voices on a Colonial Holiday. This Audio is p... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour for November 24, 2014

Airs at: Mon, 11/24/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Tom Becker leads us through today's variety of left analysis and commentary. Here's the line-up: 1.  Journalist Dawn Paley reveals the underlying motives for the so-called drug war in Latin America. 2.  How consumerism created by advertising dumbs us down. 3.  How working... Read more

Feminism and Football

Airs at: Mon, 11/24/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Jan Haaken talks with Mimi Schippers of Tulane University about feminism and football, and why women sometimes love the sport. They also talk about whether there is anything in the game worth loving.  Schipper's blog post on this topic is here.   Read more

Volunteers of America Feature

Airs at: Thu, 11/20/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Between Us
There is a jewel buried amongst the businesses and warehouses of SE Portland. Volunteers of America Oregon operates a facility that helps women rise out of addiction into a better life and helps moms improve life for their kids. This is not your parent's VOA. These days... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour for November 3, 2014

Airs at: Mon, 11/03/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Joe Clement hosts this episode and we hear: BIll Resnick talk with Patrick Mazza about how capitalism still haunts Naomi Klein's "This Changes Everything: capitalism vs. the climate" Iven Hale reads a story about a client failed by the mental healthcare system o... Read more

Arresting Power - A Documentary Film about Police violence and resistance in Portland OR

Arresting Power: Resisting Police Violence in Portland, Oregon uses archival materials, documentary footage and interviews with community members, activists and organizers to uncover Portland’s unique history of policing and race relations, emphasizing its rich history of r... Read more

Jeff Reardon Interview

Airs at: Thu, 10/23/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Between Us
Jeff Reardon is a Democrat seeking reelection in Oregon's 48th House District. He talked with Don Merrill about why he voted for the Grand Bargain which proposed changes to PERS, why he feels Career Technical Education is the key to solving Oregon's workforce development ne... Read more

Scott Mills Interview

Airs at: Wed, 10/22/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Between Us
Scott Mills is is a Democrat running for the Oregon House in the 18th District. He talked with Don Merrill about the caustic influence of money into Oregon politics, why unions have a role in protecting civic culture and how he and his Shadow love helping Oregon's veteran'... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour for October 20, 2014

Airs at: Mon, 10/20/2014 at 12:00am
Bill Resnick hosts this episode, which features discussions of the movie Gone Girl, making elections more democratic, the ebola crisis, and raising the minimum wage, as well as the music of Ry Cooder.   Jan Haaken talks with Mimi Shippers about feminist debates about the mov... Read more