

Hosted by: 
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Air date: 
Tue, 11/14/2017 - 8:00am to 9:00am
The bromance between Don Jr. and Wikileaks

A blockbuster piece in the Atlantic ties Donald Trump Jr. to WikiLeaks and its activities on behalf of the Russian government. And Robert Mueller is circling. Is this the beginning of the end for the 45th President? Abe and Joe take your calls.


Let me begin by saying I listen to your program often and I think its great and thank you and Abe for your service to the public. But I have to say I was surprised by your take on the latest info published by the Washington Post as well as your take on the Washington Post itself. I completely agree with you about the incompetency of Trump. He is simply not fit for the office of president, by every measure. He is in a class by himself as awful presidents go. I believe he is genuinely mentally ill, diagnosable. He suffers from a malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but that is another discussion.

The Administration's meetings with Russian operatives do and should call for investigations, but as yet there is no smoking gun. Even the current indictments don't address treasonous behavior, but instead financial misconduct, obviously with the hope that someone flips and gives more info on what maybe considered treasonous behavior as investigations continue. The Washington Post gives a nice summary of all that has been going over the past several months but there is much more to the story(s) that needs to be unpacked and analyzed before we draw definitive conclusions.

As far as the Washington Post goes it has not been a reliable source of news for years, certainly in as far you would believe its reporting should be taken at face value. You refer back to the Bernstein and Woodward days as reasons to support today's Post. Joe that was 40 years ago. The Post as you know is owned by Bezos, that itself should give you pause; the Post, not long ago ran a story on a outfit call PropOrNot, "exposing" left of center internet news organizations and blogs as agents of fake news and Russian operatives and everything anti-American. (RT as you probably know yesterday had to register as a Foreign Agent in part because it ran stories on Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter). The WP had to apend its report because it quickly became obvious to everyone (or anyone with a brain) there was no substance or truth to the allegations made by PropOrNot. If you want to talk about McCarthyism Joe, look no further than the WP. The WP is corporate media who support the status quo and more to the point the elite and privileged class. I think its that simple.

One last thing you mentioned HRC as a good Secretary of State and Senator. Really Joe? Libya, Saudi Arabia, Palestinian peace talks, Syria The Iraq War; god she was awful, but that's another email.

Again thank your for show. I appreciate the opportunity to give my point of view. Feel free to let me know how far up my --- you think my head is.

One more last thing in my defense I did not listen to your entire show, I was driving and as result once I arrived at my destination I was out of the car, so my apologies in advance if I misrepresented what you stated.

I agree with kcm61. I recommend reading Robert Parry and Ray McGovern on this topic at &/or listen to podcasts of interviews with them on Per Fagereng's show "Fight the Empire". Most recently:

I was shocked that a caller who attempted to question the Russia-gate group-think on yesterday's show was talked over, called delusional and cut off. I was under the impression that talk radio is about sharing and discussing controversial issues. With the exception of regular caller Michael, callers who aren't in synch with host (& sometimes co-host) Joe Uris, are dismissed as being wrong. Most "conspiracy theories" (with the exception of this one apparently) are scoffed at. When he conceded and did a show on 9/11, it was framed in the context of irrefutable things that "We know". I doubt that Joe has read any of the carefully researched books by David Ray Griffin such as "Debunking 9/11 Debunking (an answer to Popular Mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory)" or "The 9/11 Commission Report - Omissions and Distortions". I would also recommend reading James Douglass's excellent "JFK and the Unspeakable" before accepting the Warren Commission's conclusion that Oswald did it.
Look up "Trump + money laundering" for the real Russian connection.

Please, please fix this continuing problem of no podcast being available on some of these shows!!!

Thank you!

I listened to the podcast to hear the beginning of the show, which I missed live and was surprised to hear Joe's explanation of the National Popular Vote, because it described the current system (in which each state allocates all of its Electoral College votes to the winner of their state). The proposed change would be (for those states which sign on) for each state's Electoral College to vote for the candidate who received the most votes nationally.

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