Too Much Information with Abe and Traci on 11/15/22


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Air date: 
Tue, 11/15/2022 - 8:00am to 9:00am
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Episode Playlist

  • Time
    Jeffrey Lewis
    MERLIN - Rough Trade
  • Time
    Gary Clark Jr.
    Come Together
    Come Together
    Warner Bros.
  • Time
    DJ Rupture
    Mole In The Ground Featuring Sindhu Zagoren
    Special Gunpowder
    ORCHARD - Tigerbeat6


ulpanaylaylo's picture

Dear Sonia, Abe and Traci of Tuesday Too Much Info talk:

Thank you so much for allowing me the chance to again mention what elected politicians and our City Commissioners (especially the Housing Commish Ryan and before him the multi-term Housing Commish Saltzman) for decades of burgeoning Normalized Homeless cannot or would not mention for fear of devaluing the last growth industry we have left, the safe haven PoTown, Ore offers Unfettered Global Capital seeking a safe haven for their hoarded cash from the ravages of inflationary cycles and micro-managed monetary policy rife with the conflicted interests of its investor cum inflation bird-doggers.

The ever rising Property Values despite plunging national and global housing sales since the recent ravages of Runaway Inflation caused by unprecedented Corporate Profits have combined with Wage Stag-Nation\flation and the Public Health Crisis Pandemic In Perpetuity accompanied by a decades-long moratorium on enforcing Anti-Competition\Anti-Trust laws by the FTC and Justice Dept despite the Public Interest harms well documented. Even as more vertically integrated corporations are UniLevered by buying out their coast to coast competitors in providing human necessities from Baby Formula to Food, Clean Water and Affordable and FAIR Housing which the UN declared a HUMAN RIGHT back in 1966!

Thank you also for correcting me, at times of high stress a confused Washington County resident and newshound who lives in walking distance of the ever expanding Portland City line that Multnomah County Commissioner the physician Dr Sharon Meiran remains on the Multnomah County board of Supervisors even though she lost her election to Jessica Vega Pederson for Chair of the Multnomah County Board of Supes, who Willamette Week retracted their endorsement of in favor of Dr Meiran's pragmatism in resolving the various crises our TriMet area faces.

Dr Meiran is among the few exceptions among shortsighted elected officials proving the rule that HOUSING FIRST PROGRAMS must be at the top of ways to spend the increased federal funding going to localities dealing with NORMALIZED HOMELESSNESS.

Dr Meiran has spoken publicly and is on record deepening our understanding about Housing First programs. Nothing new under the sun, rain, deadly heat and ice storms about the media and national political taboo on public discourse of which Public Interest policies work for the Public Interest and which Private Interests Profit Massively and Regularly from policies that work only for themselves. Such discussion is often held privately and guarded from prying eyes and ears and algorithms more stringently than violence or profanity. Recognizing this taboo on Housing First Program outcomes in helping resolve myriad problems while saving municipalities, counties and states massive money outlays by providing housing and wrap-around services at lower cost than the haphazard way our heir to a family privatized clear-cutting timber fortune Mayor Ted Wheeler and the new short on details oligarch on the Portland City Commissioners club, bid-net man Rene Gonzalez fails to cite in his Fear Tactics playbook that is so short on Cost\Benefit Analysis.

Newly elected commissioner Rene Gonzalez sounds like a good guy, but even trying to run a clean and courtesous campaign he was recently found to have violated his own signed agreement for maintaining Clean Government by his acceptance of an excessive gift of Private Interest Campaign funding by running his campaign in specially discounted downtown (and heavily written off as bid-net losses) office space donated by that PoTown Feudal Lord of Harsch Bid-Net practices and realty, Jordan Schnitzer, who sought to cut his family's Pandemic In Perpetuity losses on downtown high rise properties by letting candidate Rene Gonzalez use them to oust former Community Policing and Independent Oversight advocate and beloved KBOO morning public affairs chat show host Jo Ann Hardesty. Exiting Commissioner Hardesty being the frequently seen riding on local TriMet public transit former NAACP Civil Rights local chapter director and East Portland Representative in the Oregon State House of Representatives in Salem as Jo Ann Bowman Hardesty from her single term in the PoTown dba Zombie Town City Commissioners club.

To those in your listening audience via KBOO, Sonia, Abe and Traci, those seriously trying to understand this very complex problem of the Policy of Financialization of Human Necessities (like affordable Cost of Living Adjusted human housing, clean water and food along with Health Care and a Public Interest News media platform that is insulated from Corporate Profit Pressures and Market Forces that have DISPLACED MORE HUMANS ACROSS THE GLOBE THAN ANY TERRORIST CELL OR MILITARY FORCE):

Let's start with some mighty conservative voices in short accessible TED TALKS video archived on U. of Tube dba You Tube (no student debt incurred by watching and taking notes here on U. of Tube) addressing Housing First Programs that are not a platform of either of our Duopoly Political "parties." Notice Utah is not on your list of top states by Normalized Housing in 2021 or 2022 of our Pandemic In Perpetuity Public Health Disastrous Pay2Play government and mass media programs: (Lloyd Pendleton 4 years ago in a less than 15 minute talk on Utah's Housing First Program policy outcomes)
(Sam Tsemberes in 2012 in 11 1/2 minutes overview of history of Housing First Programs and the money it saves and human lives that turn hopeful from hopeless since the Great Depression. It works, and so the Scarcity Principle which governs our U.S. E-CONomy by our community support of "Greed Is Good" Cold War weaponized classical economics propaganda once directed against Cult of Personality Communist leaders and since the collapse of Communism directed by Wall Street and London financializers and privatizer speculators at all Social Democracies and Social Democratic programs).
(8 years ago Finland's Conservative Social Democratic CEO in a non-profit Y-Foundation providing homes for 6500 former homeless people in Finland, Juha Kaakinen took about 15 minutes to introduce how the HOUSING FIRST PROGRAMS and policy outcomes helped control and resolve the human problems beginning from the bottom up and market forces from the top down that contribute to the global crisis in affordable housing and the normalization of people living on streets with no Godless Communists left to convince that our western Pay2Play Capitalism would allow our homeless to live on streets and expose everyone to Public Health Risk in even medium sized cities and urban centers).

Juha Kaakinen teaches U.S. in English language why the Finns gave up on Temporary Shelter Homeless programs after the First World War after they were tried. George Orwell's memoir of the masses of European homeless men traveling and looking for work after World War I is titled DOWN AND OUT IN PARIS & LONDON and showed how those wrecked World War cities converted their military armories into temporary shelters for the masses of wandering homeless men, but this so-called "solution" can not resolve the surrounding issues of displacement caused by Market Forces rather than Military Foes and Collapsing Empires between wars.

For ongoing reference and to show how shameless the oligarch Mayor of Portland, Oregon and the Feudal Lords of the Scarcity or ScareCity Principle in keeping property values ever rising even beyond the range of working and over-worked people, check out this Portland State University web-site on Housing First outcomes when no one among the City Commissioners in Portland, Oregon or in the Pay2Play News media may even mention the term or policy outcomes of HOUSING FIRST:
Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative
"Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative (HRAC) at PSU

"HRAC addresses the challenges of homelessness through research that uncovers conditions that lead to and perpetuate homelessness. Our goal is to help reduce homelessness and its negative impacts on individuals, families and communities, with an emphasis on communities of color."

Also, be mindful of the financial speculators on Privatized Programs to Temporarily Shelter our fellow homeless humans:
New York City dba The Empire City's 3-term billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg learned the policy outcomes of trying to use old Cold War weaponized Neo-Liberal\Neo-Conservative GREED IS GOOD recycled Milton Friedman, our Cold War Washington-subsidized Czar of Propaganda's SHRINK BIG GOVERNMENT (like any Banana Republic would) solution that left the PROFIT PRINCIPLE and SCARE CITY\SCARCITY PRINCIPLE in PLAY: Published well before the Pandemic In Perpetuity Shelter In Place conditions in NEW YORK MAGAZINE and their online policy and news analysis online supplement titled THE VULTURE (hardly a communist or socialist profit-making publishing outfit): Researched and reported by Muck Raking ace Andrew Rice
at the end of 2013
Why Run a Slum If You Can Make More Money Housing the Homeless?

Hazmat suited warm and dry safe hugs all around to the KBOO community

Health and balance
Especially to our homeless among U.S. They are normal. However, homelessness in the wealthiest and most wealth-concentrated nation in quantified human history AIN'T NORMAL and we should NOT ACCEPT THESE POLICY OUTCOMES by any political party!

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers
Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)
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