This program originally aired on May 13, 2024
We are at the precipice of a climate emergency. If we do not seriously begin
to cut our carbon emissions now we will be entering an uncharted territory of
climate chaos. But instead of accelerating the adoption of verifi...
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There's a lot happening in our forests in the Northwest, even while our
attention may be focused elsewhere (like on the upcoming elections). But now
is a good time to check in with Alex Budd, Alliance Organizer with Pacific
Northwest Forest Climate Alliance, about issues...
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For thousands of years Native peoples made their homes in the Mississippi
watershed, that spans nearly half of what is now the United States. They
respected the “great river” and lived peaceably alongside it. But when
European settlers arrived they upended Native lives a...
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At the start of Portland’s first heatwave this summer at the end of a
traumatic week for our nation, longtime climate activist and journalist Bill
McKibben came to Portland to speak at a gathering sponsored by the Third Act
Oregon. In 2008 McKibben co-founded, wh...
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We are blessed in Portland to have a magnificent river flowing through our
city. But we haven't always taken the best care of this treasure. Fortunately
for many years there have been several civic organizations that have led the
way in promoting and producing river clea...
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Since time immemorial the Yakama Nation lived along a stretch of the Columbia
River now known as the Hanford Reach. This area provided sources of food and
medicines and contains many sacred sites, like Gable and Rattlesnake
mountains, and the white bluffs that peer down ...
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Every day we hear that the upcoming elections are a referendum on whether or
not the United States remains a democracy. But for many years anti-democratic
– in fact, outright fascistic – tendencies have been threatening
communities around the country and definitely here ...
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The gravest risk to Portland and much of Northwestern Oregon is posed by the
enormous tank farms that line the North Reach of the Willamette River. These
tanks hold 90% of the fossil fuel used in the entire state of Oregon as well
as other hazardous substances. When a bi...
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According to the fossil fuel industry, the Mountain Valley Pipeline is
recognized as a critical infrastructure project, essential for our nation’s
energy security and energy reliability. But for communities from West
Virginia to Southern Virginia this 300 mile-long pipel...
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Transportation generates the largest share of Oregon’s carbon emissions.
It's one of the hardest sectors to decarbonize because it involves changing
our daily lives. In order to achieve our climate goals, we need to not only
drive less, but to act upon the realization th...
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