Laurie Mercier interviews Thomas Hanna, Research Director of the Democracy
Collaborative, about democratic ownership and public banking. Hanna is author
of the new book Our common wealth: The return of public ownership in the
United States; a recent piece “We Need Public...
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Bill Resnick interviews Heather Gautney, a leading activist-scholar on
what’s next in the Sanders revolution. Gautney is author of Crashing the
Party: From the Bernie Sanders Campaign to a Progressive Movement.
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Jan Haaken and Mike Snedeker discuss SESTA-FOSTA, Senate and House versions
of a new law banning sex workers from the internet. They discuss the
problematic conflation of sex trafficking and prostittuion in this law, how
it makes life more dangerous for sex workers, and ...
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Clayton Morgareidge exlains why there's no point in appealing to the
conscience of capitalists and the politicians that support them: They are
slaves to a soul-less system: capital, whose only need is profit.
You can read this piece here.
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Clayton Morgareidge hosts this edition of the Mole and we hear:
1. Bill Resnick talks with author and activist Heather Gautney about the
future of the Sanders campaign.
2. The Left & the Law team, Mike Snedeker and Jan Haaken discuss laws
regulating sex on the internet a...
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Bill Resnick talks with Margaret Klein Salamon of The Climate Mobilization.
They advocate a World War II type great mobilization, here and around the
world, to vastly reduce, or even eliminate, greenhouse gas emissions starting
today. The group has just won Climate Emer...
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IWW organizer Marianne talks with the Old Mole’s Joe Clement
about Stardust Family United, the union formed by singer-servers at Ellen's
Stardust Diner with the help of the New York branch of the Industrial
Workers Of The World. Though they won a big settlement ahead of ...
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One of the most important thinkers following Marx and who extended our
understanding of capitalism and how it shapes our lives was the Italian
Marxist Antonio Gramsci. Although his life was shortened by a long prison
term imposed by Mussolini, his Prison Notebooks con...
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The abolition of chattel slavery, the Civil Rights movement, and the Women's
movement, partial and inadequate as they are, leave untouched a kind of
slavery that is pervasive and nearly invisible. Clayton Morgareidge explains
how we are all enslaved by the domination of ...
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Clayton Morgareidge hosts this edition of the Old Mole, with the following
1. Margaret Klein Salamon of The Climate Mobilization talks with Bill Resnick
about the massive WWII-size commitment necessary to deal adequately with
climate change.
2. Joe Clement in...
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