In an interview pre-recorded when only one of the four police killers of
George Floyd had been arrested, Bill Resnick talks with Malik Miah, a
long-time Black rights and revolutionary socialist activist, a former
aviation mechanic, a contributing editor with the US soci...
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Frann MIchel hosts this episode of the Old Mole Variety Hour, which features
music by Alexandra Bradbury and the late John Prine, and these segments:
Workers’ response to COVID19: Bill Resnick talks with Travis Watkins, fired
from his auto parts plant in Michigan, with th...
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Workers across the US —in healthcare, at Amazon, and
in other workplaces— are being fired for raising concerns about their own
and fellow workers’ health and safety in the COVID-19 pandemic. By last
week, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
had recei...
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Joe Clement talks to Philosophy Professor Jason Read, about trends, hopes,
and fears about neoliberalism in the time of the coronavirus. They consider
the strange solidarity of social distancing, online education, the threat of
emergency powers, but also the hopeful pros...
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Climate change has not stopped for the pandemic—and the slowing of travel
and commerce has given us only about a 5% reduction in global fossil fuel
emissions—less than the reduction from the 2008 economic recession.
A precedent-setting case in the climate movement we...
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Bill Resnick talks with Mari Rose Taruc of the Utility Justice
Campaign. For 25 years she has organized environmental justice (EJ)
campaigns for clean air, affordable housing, renewable energy and climate
solutions in local, state, national, and international arenas. To...
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Joe Clement and Denise Morris were at another inspirational Labor
Notes Union Troublemakers School earlier this year. Denise recorded Barbara
Madeloni in one session talking about successful strikes in recent years and
why they worked: collective action in the workplace,...
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Desiree Hellegers covers the Portland Homeless Persons Memorial Day Vigil on
December 21st and the very real life and death stakes in the upcoming City
Council vote on a 22.5 million dollar five year contract to sweep the city's
houseless encampments.
Joshua Rainey P...
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In their Left and the Law segment, Jan Haaken and Mike Snedeker take up a few
of 2019's high profile sexual harassment cases against powerful men. They
discuss differing legal strategies and their political implications, and
comment on "Bombshell," the Hollywood film bas...
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Frann Michel hosts the last Old Mole Variety Hour of 2019, and we hear these
Public Power: Bill Resnick talks with Mari Rose Taruc of the Utility Justice
Campaign of Oakland, CA, which is seeking a publicly-accountable takeover
of the investor-owned utility ...
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