Forest defense is climate defense. That's the motto that Mt. Hood Forest
advocacy group Bark lives by, and they are dedicated to preserving forests
for this reason. Bark pushes back against the Forest Service on timber sales,
which they do in a few different ways.
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This week on KBOO Talk Radio, Linda Linda Olson-Osterlund will speak with
some orginizers frrom the upcoming event aimed to honor Punjabi Freedom
In 1910, St. Johns was home to an ugly ethnic riot and the seeds of a radical
Indian independence movement. On the ni...
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In this eposide of Voices from the Edge Linda Olson-Osterlund speaks with
return guest, Mike German author of Disrupt , Discredit and Divide: How The
New FBI Damage Democracy about Attorney General William Barr and the over
2000 judges that have criticized his apparent inte...
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