Tuesday May 5th has been dubbed ‘Giving Tuesday Now’ - a day to raise
awareness and support for struggling nonprofits across the US.
On Tuesday, May 5th, at 9 AM, KBOO will host a Giving Tuesday Special,
featuring non-profit organizers talking about their strife and Trium...
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Bristol Bay, Alaska is the source of the largest sockeye run on the planet,
located south of Iliamna Lake, at the terminus of several salmon rivers. The
main communities are the town of Dillingham, pop. 2,500-ish; and the village
& surrounding area of Naknek, pop. 900. E...
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KBOO is livestreaming the Urban League of Portland's Online Mayoral Forum.
This forum is an opportunity for Black voters and other allies to ask direct
questions to the candidates who are seeking to serve our community. Multnomah
County and Portland are home to some sever...
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This week, Nuclear Hotseat's annual Fukushima Anniversary Voices from Japan.
We’ll have an exclusive interview with reporter Takeshi Yamakawa, part of
Tokyo Shimbun’s Nuclear Power Reporting Team. Later, we’ll gain
first-hand impressions of radiation problems in the Exc...
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On today's program KBOO's News Director, Althea Billings and Public Affairs
Director, Tammy Habteyes will be joined by Marc Koller co chair of the Celsi
Celebration to discuss the Multnomah County Democrats efforts to get younger
people involved with the organization.
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On Super Tuesday, March 3, Democracy Now! is teaming up with The Intercept
to broadcast a live Super Tuesday special on the biggest voting day of the
presidential primary race.
Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman, Juan González and Nermeen Shaikh will be
joined by The Intercep...
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