Greetings Cascadia! My name is Steve, and this is the KBOO Community Calendar for Wednesday, March 25th, 2009.
The Bread and Roses Center is hosting a Public Round Table Discussion tonight on the topic of nationalizing our banking system. Can Obama really do it? How can workers get controlling interest in Financial Institutions? Find out what Nationalization of the Banks means, and brainstorm ideas towards achieving worker control over the banks. Bring your questions AND opinions to the Bread And Roses Center tonight at 6:30 PM. That's at 819 N Killingsworth, on bus lines #4 and #72. For more information, send email to [email protected].
Come on down to the Red And Black Cafe for Spokes Pizza Night, a benefit show for the RNC-8. Portland dancemeister Jay Dee starts spinning disks at 7:00 PM, and will continue making music until forced off the turntables in the wee hours of the morning. Stuff your face with Homemade Vegan Pizza. That's tonight, at the Red And Black Cafe, at SE 12th and Oak.
Please join The Cinema Project in welcoming British Artist and Film Maker, Ben Rivers to Portland for a fantastic survey of his 16mm films. This program marks the first in a series called Beyond Borders, which focuses on international visiting artists. The screening will take place tonight and tomorrow at 7:30 PM at The Cinema Project, 11 NW 13th ave. on the 4th floor. We'll be showing 11 of his favorite shorts. For more information, see
Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church continues their weekly Divorce Care For Kids programs to help children heal from the pain of divorce and separation. Everyone is welcome every Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. The Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church is located at 5441 SE Belmont Street. Information and links are at the Church website:
This has been the KBOO Community Calendar for Wednesday, March 25th, 2009. Thanks for listening. You can READ this calendar entry on-line at If you support Full Strength, Volunteer Powered, Home Grown Community Radio, then browse on over to and click Join Now!
You Community Calendar
This looks great Steve, and I like your text format on the site.