So what's this membership blog for anyway?



So what's this membership blog for anyway?

I'd really like to know.  Specifically, what would encourage you to come back repeatedly?  What do KBOO members (and potential members) want to read about at the Membership Director's blog? 

Calendar of internal events / meetings relevant to members?

Links to minutes from KBOO committee and board meetings?

Community radio news?  Stuff about media activism?  The FCC?  Other media/radio news? Activism opportunities?

Anything else?  There's plenty I haven't thought of, no doubt.

I'm aiming to have this blog be more useful to more of you.  So please send some constructive feedback if you have any.



Topic tags: 


Please post the board meeting minutes soon after each meeting.  Please post the annual  report.

<p>Hi Tim -</p><p>Thanks for your request.&nbsp; I will post entries linking to minutes as I'm made aware of them being placed on the website by whomever is responsible for each committee &amp; the board.&nbsp; We have also been intermittent in producing an annual report, but if we crank one out for 2009, it too will be posted here.&nbsp; Thanks.</p><p>Andrew</p>

 Andrew, all of the above sound good, but one thing this website is missing is a place for members to voice opinions, concerns, etc. about things happening at KBOO. Board and staff members have their blogs, but why is there not a forum for the rest of us? 

<p>Hi Grace -</p><p>Thanks for your reply.&nbsp; To answer your questions, KBOO used to have a 'forums' section on the website, but it was barely utilized and was turned off.&nbsp; I wasn't involved in this decision, don't know when it occurred, but can tell you that it is possible to bring them back.&nbsp; We'd need help in doing outreach to solicit input to them, so if you'd like to help with that, Marc de Giere would be the staff person to connect with.</p><p>Additionally, all programmers (you too) have their own blogs in which you are free to post content.&nbsp; Without 'forums,' commenting on related blog posts has been the main way in which people have expressed opinions/concerns.etc about things happening at the station.&nbsp;&nbsp; And as with the old forums, current comments are a mix of focused-on-topic and widely-tangential.&nbsp; Let me know if you'd like more answer.</p><p>Andrew</p>