More Talk Radio on 08/30/21



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Mon, 08/30/2021 - 8:00am to 9:00am
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When the film opened in 2019 just before pandemic at Toronto Film Fest here is how it was received by indie press and even the corporate leftie Toronto Star gave it numerous feature articles to note the film and its sources' importance to social issues of pre-Pandemic Normalization of Homelessness As a PUBLIC HEALTH and a NATIONAL SECURITY CRISIS:

The global organization resisting the PUSH of tenants from even modest neighborhood and public housing is called MAKE THE co-founded by former UN Special Rapporteur on Global Housing Crisis & Normalization of Homelessness Leilani Farha.

Here's their introductory wording that gets at the global cause for the local maladies of even 2nd and 3rd tier cities like Portland, Ore lacking today a sense of community:

Landlords without faces, apartments without tenants, Push explores the new, un-livable city.

With housing now such a lucrative financial investment, how do we push back and reclaim the streets?

In November of 2016, award-winning filmmaker Fredrik Gertten reached out to Global Director Leilani Farha, then UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing, on Twitter to learn more about her work. Three years later, feature length documentary Push has its global premiere in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Push follows Leilani as she investigates why cities around the world are becoming so unaffordable. Housing is a fundamental human right, a precondition to a safe and healthy life. But in cities all around the world, having a place to live is becoming more and more difficult. Who are the players and what are the factors that make housing one of today’s most pressing world issues?

You can watch Push online here, or view the film with a follow-up Q&A here.

As for one of the key sources, Prof Saskia Sassen who has journeyed far from her Columbia University silo to speak to municipal and civic orgs around the world facing same sets of problems, she is not a source that corporate-captured U.S. News Public Affairs media has time for between commercials and "enhanced underwriting announcements." However, type her name into U. of Tube dba You Tube and see her clear explanations of what is going on while you get an Ivy League education without any student debt hangover: less than 1\2 hour running time, starts in Italian then Dr Sassen shifts to English even though she is addressing an OECD civic push-back activist audience in Trento, Italy (cuz we in U.S. aren't interested!)
Saskia Sassen - The process of “financialisation” of real estate assets
1,115 views (Unbelievable how what is left of U.S. indie media hasn't seized on this free clip on U. of Tube dba YouTube. Sassen and her colleagues silo'd at the best universities like Nobel Prize economist Joseph Stiglitz or Aussie Outlier John Quiggin of Zombie Economics: How Dead Ideas Walk Among Us paperback fame have been similarly under-sourced as Public Education resources for what ails U.S.)
May 2, 2019

Prof Sassen I believe is the one who coined the phrase "SECURITY BOXES IN THE SKY" to describe the phenomenon of a luxury urban CONDO housing construction BOOM (think of Solange's song about her own hometown of Miami with her masterpiece CRANES IN THE SKY song\video) while we are told that the lack of AFFORDABLE HOUSING is a Rational Market Problem of Supply\Demand.

Luxury investment CONDOS have sprung up around the world without the jobs after 50 years of Wage Stag-Nation to sell to any market with such required earning potential. So what does the market do? It converts Condos by re-selling to large Corporate Capital Holding Companies like Black Rock or Blackstone LLP into speculative global unfettered capital seeking a safer haven than hoarded and idle currency off-shored and which is more vulnerable to monetary inflation than real estate. See longtime non-profit muck raker Aaron Glantz's book titled rather provocatively for a Stanford University new hire:
Homewreckers: How a Gang of Wall Street Kingpins, Hedge Fund Magnates, Crooked Banks, and Vulture Capitalists Suckered Millions Out of Their Homes and Demolished the American Dream, Custom House, 2019

KPFA the Pacifica Community Radio station with a brilliant and creative Special Events Director in Bob Baldock for whom I used to work in the Bay Area and No. Cal, KPFA\Pacifica Community Radio raised a lot of bucks just before pandemic having Aaron as a guest speaker at First Congregational Church. Of course there were interviews with Aaron Glantz before the event on KPFA News magazine program hosted by Mitch Jeserich and then the A\V tapes of the rousing educational and cathartic Obama-Biden- Trump Era Special Event used as a broadcast station fundraising premium on Aaron Glantz's community-building and inspiring then new book about our Trump-ian selection for Treasurer Steven Hollywood Mnuchin, worse even than Obama-Biden's hire of mid-Finance Crash NY Federal Reserve Bank President Timothy Mr Neo-Liberal Geithner. Mnuchin like Geithner served Wall Street and elite investor class.

Hollywood Steve Mnuchin for 4 years was signing the new money printed by the U.S. Treasury while he ran with both parties prior to Trump seizing on his quality of getting away with foreclosure fraud on a massive So Cal scale when California Democratic Top Cop and now our DNC VP Kamala Harris refused to criminally prosecute Mnuchin's property financing company.

Meanwhile, another Trump big bucks campaign backer, Thomas Barrack, who Glantz had profiled before Trump's election on the non-profit Muck Raking PBS out-sourcing of investigative journalism ratings getter, via the non-profit REVEAL hour-long documentary after the lack of prosecutions in the TARP Bail-Out of Global Finance, the only PBS aired doc on who bought up tons of luxury condos and turned them into over-priced working class rental lease units when they couldn't sell as condos, that Thomas Barrack has now been indicted and will stand trial for criminal charges.

Real Estate no longer means in English language "for housing purposes." These investment instruments need no occupants to perform their function to those with monetary capital seeking safe shelter.

In 2020, Leilani and Fredrik decided to continue the conversation they started with Push with a new podcast, #PUSHBACK Talks.

We think Canada is way ahead of U.S. cuz of their social safety nets. They are better at keeping silence about their own full-blown housing crisis which is tied into global 50 year stretch of Wage Stag-Nation and loss of NECESSARY WORKER RIGHTS by Big Labor which sold U.S. out back in 1970. PUSH the documentary film has a major section on Canada's situation from global capital investment zones like Vancouver, BC, Montreal and Toronto to 2nd, 3rd and provincial outback towns like Winnipeg, Saskatchawan, and tar sands boom town Edmonton or factory cowboy cattle raising town Calgary, Alberta.

See under Pro-Real Labor Movements non-profit called MORE PERFECT UNION. Vetting their non-profit status: More Perfect Union Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2021, and donations are tax-deductible.

To see how and why so many Bay Area residents have migrated to PoTown, Ore for last 3 decades just read this one article on a particular Berkeley, North Oakland, Richmond, El Cerrito, Albany California state legislative race between 2 Democrats in 2018. Where did the big money put it in this election? This very much mirrors Portland, Ore fishbowl virtue signalling. Rootless Corporate Caliphate money drawing the political reps we get to elect in our Pay2Play mediated politics as truly the lesser of evils, yet more formidable than the clowns like Q-Anon'ers and Cult of Personality Trumpists who act out their Reality TV roles as Apprentice to a Big Government Low Income Public Housing Real Estate Developer's heir, the White identity branding child of German immigrants who wanted so bad to be a Washington\Wall Street insurrectionist on Deutsche Bank's credit line when U.S. banks wouldn't lend to his brand of serial failures as Trump Org sought corporate bankruptcy protection over and over again after the Atlantic City Trump Taj Mahal Luxury Casinos & Urban Renewal Project (it was a Neo-Liberal Public\Private Partnership after all, not unlike PoTown Metro) went bust:

Health and balance C&C & listeners all,
Rest in Progress and may your presence continue to be a blessing to
us Local Wage Slaves, dear departed former KBOO Jazz host then KMHD Carlton Jackson. Your humanizing and community-building presence is so missed in our 'hoods...
keep on doing
Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers
Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)
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