Positively Revolting on 05-25-12 Police infiltration of radical movements-- really?



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Air date: 
Fri, 05/25/2012 - 12:00am
Police infiltration of radical movements-- really?

Police infiltration of radical movements-- really? They do that? Listen in for a lively discussion!

Lyn and ani's guest will be Peg Millett, environmental activist, and member of the so-called Arizona Five

In 1989, Peg was arrested with other Earth Firsters in a sting operation, and served three years without parole.

With rumors flying about the resurgence of police / FBI infiltration and entrapment practices to break movements, we thought it is important to look at this piece of very relevant history, and see what lessons can be gained.  

This behavior by the police and powers that be is anything but new, or limited to a few isolated cases. Known as COINTELPRO in the 60s, the practice is occassionally stopped or thwarted by civil liberatarians, only to pop back up with a new code name and slightly modified practices a bit later.

How can organizers and activists be aware of this practice of the state and not fall victim to it?  Join our conversation with Peg Millet, and learn your history! 

Your questions and comments are welcome at 503-231-8187  or on facebook.com/positivelyrevolting, or by email to [email protected]

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