Arun Gupta: Compromises dampened impact of Climate March



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Air date: 
Thu, 10/02/2014 - 12:00am
Arun Gupta at KBOO
Arun Gupta is a founding editor of the Indypendent magazine and was a founding editor of the Occupy Wall Street Journal.  He's currently working on a book about the local food movement.

His two most recent articles:
How the People’s Climate March Became a Corporate PR Campaign


To Fight the Unpredictable Effects of Climate Change, We Need an Unpredictable Movement

sparked controversy among the left, and an article by march organizers who, as Gupta put it, 'claim credit for the Flood Wall Street action after refusing to back it or promote it': What’s Wrong With the Radical Critique of the People’s Climate March

Arun was at KBOO's studios as part of our All-Day Special on 'Turning the Tide on Climate Change', and spoke about these and other issues.

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