Critical Discussion of Naomi Klein's "This Changes Everything: capitalism vs. the climate"



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Air date: 
Mon, 11/03/2014 - 12:00am
Bill Resnick & Patrick Mazza on Naomi Klein's "This Changes Everything: captailism vs. the climate".

Bill Resnick and Patrick Mazza discuss Naomi Klein's promising new book about capitalism and the environment, "This Changes Everything: captalsism vs. the climate". They consider the books merits, but also how it does not adequately deal with the challenges it raises against capitalism. They talk about corporate environmentalism, how Naomi ties the great social movements of the last couple centuries to environmentalism, but also her soft-pedaling on the big-business approach to sustainable energy, and the need for radically democratic solutions that devolve centralized forms of power in society, the economy, and energy grid.

Patrick Mazza is a Pacific Northwest climate activist and continues to write for publicans like Grist.

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