Host Marianne Barisonek interviews local author Annette White-Parks about the book "Cowboy of the Rimrocks: A Memoir of Grant County, Oregon," by Emmett Cochran White, which tells the stories of pioneer family life in Grant County, Oregon from the arrival of the first Anglo settlers in the 1860s to the late 1940s. They will take listener calls on Oregon history.
"Cowboy of the Rimrocks: A Memoir of Grant County, Oregon,"was writtten by a son of pioneer grandparents on both sides. Cowboy of the Rimrocks is a memoir of cowboy life in Grant County, Oregon from the 1860's when Anglo Americans first began to move into Monument Valley, to the late 1940's when Emmet Cochran White left. The landscape of rimrocks, sagebrush and the rowdy John Day River is peopled with the characters who found their ways to this remote region, along with the cattle, horses and sheep who were their major companions. All set in the context of this time and place in Oregon's history.