Positively Revolting on 08/17/12



Produced by: 
Air date: 
Fri, 08/17/2012 - 8:00am to 9:00am
What's happening with Occupy Portland these days?

There's been some talk about Occupy not doing anything lately.... some people even seem to think that Occupy is over.  Tommy Murray, an Occupy Organizer, will join Ani and Lyn to talk about what's currently happening, and how you can plug in to the movement.  

Have you been involved with Occupy?  Are you involved now?  We'd love to hear from you!  Call in during the show and add to the conversation.  The studio number is 503-231-8187.

Here's a little preview:

Thursday saw protests to Free PFC Manning and end the drone wars in Portland and several other west coast cities.

Every Friday in Portland there is a Weekly Bank Action (location changes weekly).

Every Monday, Occupy holds General Assembly at Terry Schrunk Park-- 3rd and SW Madison, 7 PM (if you have something for the agenda, come at 6 pm and talk with the facilitator). 

There is a 24 hour vigil at City Hall to End the Camping Ban-- 4th Avenue, Between Jefferson and Madison.

For more information on Occupy Portland activities, there is an online calendar of Occupy sponsored events.

For a fun and informative overview of what Occupy has done, check this.

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You can also contact us by emailing  positivelyrevolting [at] gmail [dot] com.

Thanks to Mark Colman for the picture of Nan's arrest!

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