Positively Revolting on 11/30/12



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Air date: 
Fri, 11/30/2012 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Talking about the winter holidays in a multi-cultural society.

FOX News and other conservative media outlets have been promoting the concept of there being a "War on Christmas".  The idea being that if a person wishes someone anything other than a "Merry Christmas", they are directly insulting Christians and attacking little baby Jesus in his manger.  Given that there are a number of faiths with holidays during December, how does a multi-cultural society respect and acknowledge multiple celebrations and observances.

And while on the subject of respecting many spiritual paths--turns out the Mayan calendar does not end later this month, and the persistant hype of the end of the world is benefitting tour operators and new age bookstores, while offending the Mayans. 

Please join our conversation about the so-called War on Christmas, cultural appropriations, and the winter holiday traditions you observe.  Call in to the studio during the show at 503-231-8187.

Like us on Facebook, or email us at positivelyrevolting[at]gmail[dot]com  and keep the dialogue going all week long. 

Image from Moon Stars and Paper 


Catholic listener here visiting Portland during the "Holidays" from Little Prairie Wisconsin. Hey I like your show, I'm no devotee to Fox but feel strongly about my right to express "Merry Christmas" as Christmas approaches. Advent is my season and when Christmas arrives I celebrate all 12 days as Holy Days while the rest of the world tears down their "Yule" (Christmas) trees and starts in shopping again.
I love Christmas and don't celebrate the other holidays unless invited by members of that faith. The inquisition, ? REally come on, the Catholic Church only exists AS the living members of the day.
Julie Drigot
PS Carlos Chavez is my son-in-law, he says hi to Annie (?)

<p>Thanks so much for listening and taking the time to comment in this morning! Advent is a beautiful observance- &nbsp;I appreciate its depth. I agree absolutely that it is your right to say "Merry Christmas", as it is mine to wish a "Bright and Shining Solstice". The harm to our pluralistic society is done by those who insist that there is only one proper observance during this time of year. Bad enough if it stopped there, but the far-right pundits go further, and talk of the acknowledgment of any other tradition as an attack on Christianity. This promotes intolerance. &nbsp;</p>
<p>About my inquisition remark, my concern is not with the present day Catholic Church, per se -- &nbsp;it's with any who promote the idea that there is only one legitimate path. There is an echo of history in what I see as a very large push from a very small sector or our society to enforce one religion over all others (it is that cultural hegemony which is, I believe, the basis for FOX's "war on christmas").</p>
<p>Thanks again for your comments, and say hi to Carlos!!!</p>
<p>- ani</p>

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