Positively Revolting on 12/14/12



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Air date: 
Fri, 12/14/2012 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Why is Multnomah County's Sheriff voluntarily participating in the ICE Hold program?

This is an important day to put pressure on those elected to serve our communities to make sure they are actually doing that!

Ani and Lyn will talk with Marco Mejia, of Jobs with Justice, and Jaime Limon Guzman-- two activists from the ACT Network about Multnomah County's Sheriff Staton's participation in ICE holds.  

Over thelast three years, community leaders have met multiple times with Sheriff Staton and officials from his department to discuss policy recommendations to limit unfair, costly detentions of immigrants in local jails for deportation purposes.

After an action last Monday, December 10th, Sheriff Staton has told activists that he will meet with them on Monday the 17th, to let him know what decision he's made.

Today, thousands of hard working Oregonians have been deported because local law enforcement agencies have chosen to comply with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requests to hold people. Many of these deportations are happening to Oregonians who have not committed any criminal offense or major violation of the law, separating families and destroying the trust between local law enforcement and our communities. In fact, this system has proved to be so flawed, that ICE holds have erroneously been placed on citizens and lawful residents. 

Make our communities safer for all!  You can let Sheriff Staton know how you feel by calling him at 
(503) 988 – 4404. 

Also, we'll hear from activists about the emergency legislative session called by Gov. Kitzhaber, to give Nike a mega tax break, while getting nothing substantive in return.  You can call your state representative, to let them know just how you feel about such giveaways to the mega rich, while the rest of us are told to "tighten our belts."  

Resist austerity!  Celebrate healthy communities! Come together in acts of solidarity now!

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