Going beyond gender-normative behavior



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Air date: 
Fri, 12/27/2013 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Another Positively Revolting look at Smashing the Patriarchy
We can't actively change things of which we are unaware. 

Join Ani and Lyn as we attempt to bring down patriarchy with the use of witty conversation on gender-normative conformity and puritanical values. What do people mean when we say "be a man", or "act like a lady".  How does this set us up for the dynamics of sexism, Patriarchy, and rape-culture?

How have these norms affected you?  Have you chosen to give some up?  

We have a long way to go towards achieving an egalitarian society, but being aware of ways in which we recreate the dominant paradigm will help to get us there. 

Call in to be a part of the conversation at 503-231-8187

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You can email Ani & Lyn at positivelyrevolting [at] gmail [dot] com

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