Evening News on 07/06/17



Produced by: 
Air date: 
Thu, 07/06/2017 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Transcription of In Depth Interview with Revolution Choir 


Zelos:  Welcome Revolution Choir and Kevin.  [laughs]

[Choir Cheers Loudly]

Kevin: Hello!

Zelos: Hello! [laughs]

Kevin: It's so good to be here at KBOO.  Thanks for having us.

Zelos: [laughs]  Thank you for coming.  So how long has Revolution Choir been around?

Kevin: You know, I think we're coming on five months.

Zelos: I'm really shocked about that.

Kevin: [laughs] Yeah.

Zelos: I feel like, I I - I think we've talked a little bit about this.  I - I feel like there's gotta be several years under your belt so far.

Kevin: No, our - our singers here like they just sound amazing and they - they're just pulling it together and just

Zelos: [laughs]

Kevin: A lot of great friends of mine and they have great vocal chords.

Zelos: Awesome!  You're making waves, 5 months!

Kevin: Tidal cord waves.

Zelos: Tidal cord waves.  So, you're gonna sing us a song.

Kevin: Our first song we are gonna do is Overworked and Underpaid.

Zelos: Alright.


[Music Starts]


Revolution Choir starts singing


When I wake in the morning 

I just lay in bed and close my eyes

Cuz my bones are so tired, are so tired

I can hardly stand


Feed my kids

Rush them off to school

Pay for after care

Pay for nanny care


Cuz I know

I'll be gone all day

I'll be gone all night

Just to make ends meet


To make ends meet


I'm overworked and underpaid

Two full time jobs on not a livable wage

I'm busting my ass

I can barely pay rent

I'm a sick day away from living in a tent


I'm overworked and underpaid

Ahhhhh Ahhhh


*Piano and guitar play in Musical Interlude*


When I wake in the morning

I just lay in bed and close my eyes

Cuz my bones are so tired, I'm so tired 

I can hardly think


The cost of life

Keeps on rising up, it keeps rising up

Every single year 

But my wage, oh it hasn't changed

No it hasn't changed 

I'm stuck with minimum wage 


To make ends meet


I'm overworked and underpaid

Two full time jobs on not a livable wage 

I'm busting my ass

I can barely pay rent

I'm a sick day away from living in a tent


I'm overworked and underpaid.

Ahhhhh Ahhhhh

I'm overworked and underpaid

Ahhhhhh Ahhhh

I'm overworked and underpaid

Ahhhhh Ahhhhh Ahhhhh


*Piano plays last keys*


Zelos: That was pretty fantastic! Uh, what's the next song?  That was tasty.

Kevin: We can have a congress with a 12 percent approval rating and yet over a 90 percent re election rate.  And it is rigged so bad that that is jerrymandering right there.  A congressman can manipulate and draw those districts so, so evil that basically it makes it impossible to ever vote him out of office.  So we must - if you live in a jerrymandering district and thankfully Portland does not.  But somewhere out there you are listening to this. Vote for an independent commissioning district for free, equal, and balanced voting districts.  We are gonna do Jerrymandering.


{Piano starts playing]


Ohhhh Ohhhh 

Ohhhh Ohhhh


You've got elected legal thievary 

Manipulating district boundaries

We never wanted your policies

But you're forcing us to drink your disease


Ohhhh Ohhhh

Ohhhh Ohhhh


Generals and media

You need to come and film some failed politicians 

Attacking and attacking

They only got elected because of 










We'll let you go only if he loses


*piano plays upbeat tune*


Person 1: Hey Congressman?


Person 2: What?!!!


Person 1: Try to get elected in my district.


Person 2: Yeah, easy!


Person 1: No, I mean without jerrymandering!


Person 2: Nooooo!


Person 1: Yeah I didn't think so!


They manipulated the districts

They redrew the boundaries

He manipulated the posts?


*piano plays upbeat tune*


They're not allowing the voters to choose them.

But instead he chose the voters!

Let us repeat that!


They're not allowing the voters to choose them.

But instead he chooses the voters!


That's so shady

That's so slimy

That's discrimination


If you live in these districts

You must confront your representatives

And ask them do you think

That you can get elected by the people

Without your










Zelos: Wow!  That was really something!  All of you are so powerful!  Tell our audience about the performances that you've got coming up for the...

Kevin: On July 8th at the Laurelhurst Park, the Revolution Choir will be performing at 3 pm. And we would love for you all to come visit us.  And you can actually get the - the invite if you just go to Revolution Choir dot com and there's a direct facebook invite.  Or you could just go to facebook dot com slash Revolution Choir and find that invite!  And we would love to see you there, it's gonna be so fun!  There's gonna be an opening act going on before us, Resist Sing, comes on right at 3.  And we are following them.  And we would definetely love to see you.  And you're getting just a little taste of what we are right now.  And July 8th, Laurelhurst Park.  If you know where that duck pond is and that uh little dog park where it's off leash... You could just go and check us out there.

Background voice: We'll be on a leash!  [Choir laughter]

Zelos: I think our audience is dying to know whether there are Revolution Choir groupies at this point.  I know it's early in the game.  

Kevin: That's a great question.  All of you listening right now...

[Background laughter]

Kevin: You are our very first groupies! 

Background voice: May you all feel blessed.

Kevin: Thank you.  Thank you. 

[Background laughter]

Zelos: [laughs]  That's wonderful.  So, do you - are you writing all the material yourself? Is that right?

Kevin: Correct.

Zelos: Do you have think tank sessions where you get together and you're like "what awful thing happened in the news this time that we need to write a song about?"

Kevin: Um, it's a little bit of both.  I - I love hearing feedback from certain choir members that just uh will give something off their heart.  

Zelos: Aww.

Kevin: And then I kinda come home to my garage and late at night, pull up the guitar and start writing songs and - 

Zelos: I love that picture you just painted.  

[Background Laughter]

Zelos: Deep into the dark of the night, after political corruption has happened, Kevin Levey composes songs of resistance.

[Background Laughter]

Kevin: That's right.

Zelos: That's wonderful.  [laughs]  Are there choral openings right now?  Do you accept more chorusters or is it a special club?  I dont know...

Kevin: We would - that's such a good question.  If you are a first soprano,

[Choir erupts in laughter]

Kevin: Or if you are a deep bass


Kevin: We would love for you to contact us.  Kevin Levey, I'm the man, contact me.

Zelos: Ok.  Well without further a due let's dive into another song.

Kevin: Our next one is Love Conquers Hate.


*Piano starts playing*


Don't you know

That Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter 

Black Lives Matter

Yes they do


*Verse continues with each verse overlapping the last one*


We've got your back




We've got your back


Mexicans and 

Latinos are lovely

Latinos are lovely

Latinos are lovely

Yes they are



You're peaceful people

You're peaceful people

You're peaceful people


Love Conquers Hate

Conquers Hate

Conquers Hate

It always does

Love Conquers Racism

Conquers Racism

Conquers Racism

That's all you need


That's all you need

That's all you need

All you need is love

All you need is love

All you need is love

Love is all you need


All you need is love 

And affordable housing!

All you need is love

And the right to marry who you want!

All you need is love

Love love

Love is all you need

Zelos: I'm Zeloszelos Merchandt.  We're wrapping up a very special In Depth featuring the Revolution Choir.  They are performing July 8th at Laurelhurst Park.  By the very beautiful scenic duck pond.

[Background laughter]

Zelos: Um and they have an opener who is...

Kevin: Resist Sing.

Zelos: Resist Sing.  Thank you so much Kevin Levey and Revolution Choir for taking time to come in and sharing your songs of resistance with our community and our audience. Thank you!

[Choir Claps and Cheers]

Kevin: Thank you so much, thank you!

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