Retraction: KBOO is retracting the story that begins around the 15 minute point. The story is about an auction held on December ninth to raise money for the Stolen Angels PDX Billboard Project. The story was rushed and produced prematurely, and had numerous inaccuracies, including the nature of the project and who the organizers are.
It implied that members of the group Pacific Northwest Family Circle were the organizers, and that a main goal of the project was to call out local district attorneys for failing to prosecute police officers who kill. In fact, our reporter conflated the Billboard Project with the ACLU’s Feet to the Fire campaign, which Pacific Northwest Family Circle is involved with locally. The Stolen Angels PDX Billboard Project is being organized by Portland Equity in Action. They describe the project as a “multifaceted public ad campaign highlighting racial disparities in access to power structures and policy, as well as media coverage and representation within institutions throughout the Portland area.” Through these ads, they plan to demand attention and justice for five young men killed by police and white supremacy in the Portland area.
More information can be found at
An interview with members of Portland Equity in Action will be on the KBOO Evening News during the first week of 2018, to provide more details on the project.
KBOO regrets the errors and lack of due diligence, and is retracting the story. This retraction was broadcast on December 28, 2017.