On March 15 students around the world are going on strike. Inspired by 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, they are walking out of school to demand meaningful and impactful action on climate change. With their futures at stake, young people are striking to call for the Green New Deal and for a fair and equitable transition to 100% renewable energy.
So what is the Green New Deal and how do we shepherd it from a concept to a reality? On this episode of Locus Focus we talk with Nicholas Caleb, staff attorney with the Center for Sustainable Economy and Khanh Pham, Organizing Director with OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon, about what politicians and climate organizers mean when they talk about the Green New Deal, and how we go about achieving it.
Nicholas Caleb is staff attorney with the Center for Sustainable Economy, providing legal and strategic support to CSE’s Climate Justice program in a full-time capacity. He has been the Environmental Policy Analyst for Portland City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly, Staff Attorney at Neighbors for Clean Air, Local Climate Law Fellow at Our Children’s Trust, and adjunct professor of government at Concordia University.
Khanh Pham is the Manager of Immigrant Organizing at APANO. She also serves as the Board Chair of OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon. She’s worked as a community organizer, fundraiser, and communications associate in a variety of social justice organizations, including VietUnity, Global Fund for Women, Refugee Transitions, and National Radio Project.