2014 Midterm Elections - KBOO coverage



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Air date: 
Tue, 11/04/2014 - 6:00pm to 10:00pm
KBOO coverage of 2014 midterm elections
KBOO will be providing a four hour election light special on Tuesday November 4th from 6 pm to 10 pm with results and analysis of Oregon measures, as well as national results.

Have your friends voted yet? - Check out this new Facebook app: Did They Vote?


Here are some highlights from KBOO's election coverage so far:

Ballotpalooza at the City Club - debates on a number of the ballot measures

Tigard City Council Candidate Forum - candidates participating in the forum were Tom Anderson, Carl Switzer and John Goodhouse, who are challenging the incumbent Marc Woodard.


Measure 92 - would require labeling of foods with genetically engineered ingredients:

10/29 - Radiozine - Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich stop by the KBOO studios to voice their support for Measure 92

10/27 - KBOO Evening News - KBOO’s Paul Roland spoke with The Mercury’s News Editor Dennis Theriault, who addressed the question of why he decided to oppose measure 92 on behalf of the Mercury, and with Julia Degraw of the Oregon Right to Know campaign, the promoter of “Yes on 92,” to get their comments on the local newspapers’ decisions to oppose the measure.

10/20 - Locus Focus - Why is big ag pumping in millions of dollars to defeat the Oregon Right to Know Act?

10/15 - Political Perspectives - Host Jen Davis speaks with Jerry Greenfield, co-founder of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. about his support for Oregon Ballot Measure 92

10/13 - More Talk Radio - Scientist Michael Hansen on Oregon Ballot Measure 92

related story:
8/29 - Political Perspectives - Hawaii judge overturns local measure regulating GMOs and pesticides


Measure 91 - would end marijuana prohibition in Oregon.

10/24 - Radiozine - Host Sarika Mehta speaks with Rick Steves, host of Rick Steves' Europe, about his support for Oregon Ballot Measure 91

09/30- Between Us- Don Merrill interviews David Walker, US Representative for 3rd District, about the reasons for ending prohibition on marijuana laws and other proposals.


Measure 90 - changes the general election nomination process, creates 'top two' primary

10/20 - Old Mole Variety Hour - spoke with progressives opposed to Measure 90


Measure 89- Amends Oregon Constitution to ensure protection of equal rights for women (Equal Rights Amendment)

09/16- Between Us -Don Merrill spoke with Ryan Howard about measure 89


Measure 88 - would allow the DMV to issue “driver cards” to Oregon residents who meet certain requirements

10/24 - Radiozine - Host Sarika Mehta speaks with Jose Antonio Vargas, journalist, filmmaker, and the founder of Define American, about his support for Oregon Ballot Measure 88.

09/29- More Talk Radio- Host Celeste Carey and Cecil Prescod  speak with members of the Yes on 88 Campaign

8/20 - Evening News - ALEC Influence on Immigration-related legislation in Oregon

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