Join Lyn and ani for a lively discussion on being anti-racist and building ally skills to work in multi-cultural movements.
Recent events have highlighted the massive room for improvement white people have when it comes to working multi-culturally. The interruption of Bernie Sanders from a couple of Black Lives Matters activists really showed how much racist / white supremecist thinking is infecting white people, even those who believe themselves to be quite progressive.
What can you do to fight racism? If you're white, examine and challenge your own racism first, and then work with white friends and neighbors. If you just heard your innervoice cry out, "but I'm not racist"- stop right there: you are. Challenging and eradicating racism is primarily #WhiteFolkWork, because People of Color should not be forced into educating white people about how they are effected by racism.
For an excellent article on the interruption of Bernie Sanders, we suggest checking out what Van Jones has to say in this editorial piece
Listen and join the discussion! The number to the studio is 503-231-8187
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