Succesful marketing of jazz music require a broad view and understanding of audience taste, and ways to groom listeners and the evolution of this music. From Ragtime,Dixieland, Big band, Be-bop and bop, Free Jazz, Avant Garde, mainstream, cool and, today, Smooth Jazz. Covering a stretch of over 100 years. Each change, or iteration, is episodic, and significant to the legacy of sound I like to call American Classic Music. Each generation of fans maintain their's is the period when the music flourish like no other time. An open argument we cannot address here.
For this episode of The Motif we present the Smooth Jazz artist that take an angular, subjective approach. Its still smooth, but with a bit more attitude, ply, and grit. This is what happens to the sound when these elements are employed with the music. Enjoy the adventure and colors added with these recording selected. Smoth Jazz take an Angular Turn...