Trans Family and Friend Series
This week on Transpositive we go back in the archives to 2017 as co-host Jean
Bryant and the collective will continue our Trans Family and Friends series
with a look at the experiences of the married spouses of two transwomen. One
who found...
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Please join us this week on Prison Pipeline as we speak with Paul Wright on
the potential crisis of Coronavirus in the prison system. Wright is Director
of the Human Rights Defense Center which educates the public on issues of
concern to the prison industrial complex and...
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Please join us Tuesday, February 25th as we hear stories of our beloved who
were gone before their time, as well as the living testimonies of people
living succesfully for a lifetime with HIV. December First Writers is a
Portland, Oregon-based group of poets and writers...
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Please join us Tuesday, February 18th as we join Paul larrobino and guests
for Our Bold Voices, Trans and Non Binary Stories and Song prmoting their
upcoming event at the Elliot Center February 22nd. Paul will appear with
storytellers, Marilyn Lowles and Tyler Horan. They...
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Please join us this week on KBOO community radio for Prison Pipeline as we
talk with Julia Lazareck of Friends and Family of Incarcerated Persons.
Friends and Family of Incarcerated persons exists to help family members and
community who are left behind when the criminal ju...
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Please join us on Tuesday, February 4th as we talk with Kaj Jensen about the
upcoming Portland Womxn's March on Sunday, March 1st at noon in the Park
Blocks. The Portland Womxn’s March 2020 is committed to advancing
political, economic, organizational and social power to c...
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So much has happened in the past three years that has been devastating to the
transgender and non-binary community and so much resistance and brilliance
has risen up from our communities. Under the current administration we have
been inundated by scandal and disinformation...
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Incarcerated at age 12 in Texas and sentenced to a 30 year prison sentence,
Terrence Sampson survived a near fatal stabbing in prison, drug addiction and
gang involvement. With the support and love of his family he earned a
bachelor's degree and a master's degree while i...
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