Tis the season of persimmon, and host Glen Andresen and guest Jim Gilbert
discuss this beautiful tree and fruit. And, since this is fall and there are
a lot of leaves to be had, Glen recites his "There Must Be 50 Ways to Love
Your Leaves," along with a plug for making and u...
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Host Glen Andresen is joined by Jim Gilbert to talk about what you can do
now, well before the first frost, to ensure your plants suvive. We also
discuss what can be done now in anticipation of planting in the spring (yes,
a half a year from now!). Plus Jim starts a series ...
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Host Glen Andresen is joined once again by Jim Gilbert to talk about cover
crops and the benefits they provide…and all for just pennies. Plus an essay
of sorts by Jim on the benefits of a plant-based diet to you and the planet
(and your pocketbook). And it will soon be time...
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It's August…and that means peaches because August is National peach month!
Host Glen Andresen is joined by Jim Gilbert to talk about Jim's peach trials,
varieties to grow here, and summer budding (or bud grafting) of fruit trees.
Plus, don't let certain veggies get too big!...
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Host Glen Andresen is joined by Jim Gilbert to talk about, what else, the
aftermath of the "Big Scorch," and what to do now. Plus tips on summer
pruning of fruit trees, what we're harvesting, and watering options during a
As always, we'll have a new Plant of the M...
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Host Glen Andresen is joined by Jim Gilbert to talk about bagging apples
(huh?), plant diseases exacerbated by weather conditions, and ideas about
fencing out deer, rabbits and squirrels.
As always, we'll have a new Plant of the Month (blueberries). And, a
reminder, the Ga...
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Host Glen Andresen is joined by Jim Gilbert to talk about dividing rhubarb,
planting bareroot and container plants, transplanting onions, the importance
of weeding…and believe it or not, hand pollination!
As always, we'll have a new Plant of the Month (rhubarb…and "The One...
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Host Glen Andresen is joined by Jim Gilbert to talk about, what else, the
February weather, and what it did and didn't do to our gardens. Plus, Glen's
method for planting peas in colder weather, Jim's advice on planting bare
root trees, and timing for using organic slug bai...
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Hey Dirtbag listeners! We recorded this show in January, for the January 13,
2021 show. But due to unforeseen circumstances, it wasn't aired in January,
so we are airing it this month! Meanwhile, stay warm...and protect whatever
plants you need to and can protect.
Host Gle...
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