Johanna Brenner of the Portland Metro People's Coalition discusses their
upcoming convention. Modeled after the Richmond Progressive Alliance, the
Jackson Collaborative and the Barcelona Commune, the PMPC is organizing a
People's Convention to ratify a Resident's Bill of R...
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Camilo Marquez, representing the Portland Climate Action Community Benefits
Initiative, will discuss this local GREEN JOBS 2018 ballot initiative which
trains and employs workers from marginalized communities to weatherize and
solarize homes and businesses, funded by a surc...
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Recent theft of the Honduran presidential election has led thousands into the
streets in protest. Dozens have been killed by security forces. Maribel
Gomez and Cheva Saaba, two Portland-based Honduran exiles, will join Jack
Herbert of the Portland Central America Solidari...
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Sam Scott, dual-card union member of the Portland Industrial Workers of the
World (IWW) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFL-CIO), talks with
hosts Amanda Hill and Jamie Partridge about the IWW's rich 112-year history
of revolutionary and militant unionism.
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After their November 1st delivery of a letter to CEO Wendy Collie, signed by
hundreds of workers from eighteen (18) stores, New Seasons workers are still
waiting for a reponse to their demand for collective bargaining. New
Season Workers United members join Labor Radio to ...
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