Jenka Soderberg was born in Washington DC, studied International Affairs at Georgetown University, and Peace Studies at the Bancaixa Institute for Justice and Peace in Spain. She joined KBOO Community Radio in 2007, after helping to organize IndyMedia Centers, being honored by the International Association of Women in Radio and Television for her reporting in the Palestinian Territories in 2004, and creating a number of impactful web development innovations. As the News Director, she helped develop a curriculum and training schedule for the news staff, volunteers and other station employees. She trained hundreds of volunteers in the news production process, deadlines, the basics of writing, writing for radio, how to research source material and how to conduct interviews. She also has developed and implemented media training programs in the Palestinian Territories for the International Middle East Media Center.
In 2010, Soderberg was selected as a Knight Fellow in Journalism at Stanford University, where she spent the year developing a tool for mobile news submission and verification. In 2011, she was honored as the Joan Cook Fellow by the Journalism and Women Symposium. Her focus continues to be on the dismantling of the capitalist structures that hold society in a state of continuous war, and empowering communities to take action for their own self-determination.