To thank the generous supporters of community radio in Portland, the Old Mole
Variety Hour is sponsoring gift prints of one of Bette Lee’s photos to 10
lucky listeners who contribute during KBOO’s 2021 fall membership drive. To
view Bette’s photos and learn details about th...
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Workplace Struggles are Political, Part 2. Continuing last week's
conversation with Marianne Garneau, Joe and Marianne pay closer attention in
this half to the nuts and bolts of organizing for power on the job as an
important perspective on what power even is, and how worke...
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Joe Clement hosts this episode and we hear:
End Clean and Safe Bill Resnick talks with Kaitlyn Dey, a community
organizer challenging the city's policies of sweeping, harassing and
criminalizing the homeless, including the current campaign "End Clean and
Save" that would...
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Samantha Bryce returns to KBOO to talk with Joe Clement about the 7/29 picket
at Voodoo Doughnuts they attended, organized under the banner of Doughnut
Workers United. They both report back a good turnout, the sense of solidarity
they had, and how receptive people were to t...
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When the fatal heatwave hit Portland a month ago, workers at Voodoo Doughnuts
walked off the job when indoor temperatures soared into the 90s with no
effective air conditioning. Several were fired. Joe Clement talks with a
Doughnut Workers United rank-and-file organizer abo...
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Joe Clement hosts this episode and we hear:
L.A 100%: Bill Resnick and Sammy Roth, an environmental journalist. They
discuss a study, commissioned by the City of Los Angeles, that found to the
investigators great surprise that L.A. could transition to almost 100%
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Laurie Mercier talks with Old Mole Joe Clement about the argument for
degrowth within international environmental, anti-colonial and
anti-capitalist movements. Degrowth proposes radical wealth distribution by
way of a planned scale-down and re-organization of the economy in...
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Joe Clement concludes their conversation with Marianne Garneau, an organizer
and educator with the Industrial Workers of the World, and publisher of the
online worker journal Organizing.Work about the politics of the Big Strike
and the retreat from direct action and organiz...
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Joe Clement continues their conversation with Marianne Garneau, an organizer
and educator with the Industrial Workers of the World, and publisher of the
online worker journal Organizing.Work about the politics of the Big Strike
and the retreat from direct action and organiz...
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