After one of the most surreal weeks in memory, an alleged serial sexual
assailant is poised to take a seat on the Supreme Court. That sound you hear
is the Republic creaking at the seams. Abe and Joe take your calls.
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The SCOTUS confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh has degenerated into its component
parts — about half tragedy, half farce, generously sprinkled with toxic
male entitlement. Abe and Joe take your calls.
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The President has been implicated in a felony, and is moving to place himself
and his family beyond the reach of the law. The only remaining check is
Congress’ power to investigate and impeach. This is why, lefties, you need
to hold your noses and support Democrats. By all ...
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The American West is in flames - again. Low wages and high debt are grinding
working people down. And the president is still a moron. There’s a lot
stacked against us, but there is a way forward. Abe and Joe take your calls.
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