Paul Levy is the author of Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil. He
is a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, as well as an innovator in
the field of dreaming. A Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for over 30 years, he
has intimately studied with some of the gre...
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Jonathan Robinson is the author of the new book, Ecstasy as Medicine: How
MDMA Therapy Can Help You Overcome Trauma, Anxiety and Depression…and Feel
More Love. Jonathan is a psychotherapist, best-selling author of 14 books,
and a professional speaker from Northern Californi...
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Ray Raghunath Cappo is the author of From Punk to Monk. Ray currently leads
yoga retreats, trainings, and kirtans at his Supersoul Farm retreat center in
Upstate New York, as well as annual pilgrimages to India. He is the cofounder
and cohost of Wisdom of the Sages, a daily...
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Ethan Nichtern is the author of the book, CONFIDENCE: Holding Your Seat
Through Life's Eight Worldly Winds. A renowned contemporary Buddhist teacher
and the host of The Road Home Podcast, Ethan has offered meditation and
Buddhist psychology classes at conferences, meditatio...
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Wendy Read is the author of the new book, Cannabis Therapy: A Complete Guide.
Wendy is a certified herbalist, holistic massage therapist, and plant spirit
healing practitioner with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry who has
studied with herbalists and shamanic healers from...
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Leonard Shlain discusses his book, Sex, Time and Power: How Women’s
Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution. Dr. Shlain is the author of several books
including, The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and
Image and Art & Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time...
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Peter Russell is the author of the new book, Forgiving Humanity: How the Most
Innovative Species Became the Most Dangerous. Peter is the widely acclaimed
author of The Global Brain and other pioneering works. He earned an honors
degree in theoretica...
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