Paul OBrien



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Host of Pathways

Paul OBrien

The 12-Step Buddhist

Airs at: Thu, 04/16/2009 at 8:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Pathways
Darren Littlejohn is the author of The 12-Step Buddhist. Darren has the personal experience of living the life of a full-time addict. After taking the rough road of recovery, he went on to earn a BA in Psychology, and became a practitioner of Zen and several systems of Tibe... Read more

The Soulmate Secret.

Airs at: Sun, 12/14/2008 at 8:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Pathways
Arielle Ford discusses her book, The Soulmate Secret. She has mastered the art of making things happen. A nationally recognized publicist and marketing expert, producer, author and consultant she has catapulted many authors and celebrities to stardom and enormously facilita... Read more

Taking Back the Wisdom of the Feminine

Airs at: Sun, 12/07/2008 at 8:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Pathways
Gail Straub, a leading authority on empowerment, discusses her book, Returning to My Mother’s House: Taking Back the Wisdom of the Feminine. She encourages other women to gain insight and wisdom into their relationships with their own mothers, and to restore the feminine. G... Read more

Why Walk When You Can Fly: Soar Beyond Your Fears and Love Yourself and Others Unconditionally

Airs at: Sun, 11/30/2008 at 8:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Pathways
Isha Judd, the world-renowned spiritual teacher discusses her book, Why Walk When You Can Fly: Soar Beyond Your Fears and Love Yourself and Others Unconditionally. In this inspiring and uplifting book, Isha uses parables, moving stories, and humor to impart essential truths... Read more

Touching Enlightenment: Finding Realization in the Body

Airs at: Sun, 11/23/2008 at 8:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Pathways
Reggie Ray speaks about his book Touching Enlightenment: Finding Realization in the Body. Reggie brings us close to forty years of study and intensive meditation practice within the Tibetan tradition as well as a special gift for applying it to the unique problems, inspirat... Read more

Buddhist Insights for Finding Meaning

Airs at: Sun, 11/23/2008 at 8:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Pathways
Phillip Moffitt presents his book, Dancing with Life: Buddhist Insights for Finding Meaning and Joy in the Face of Suffering. Phillip walked away from his highly successful post as chief executive and editor-in-chief on Esquire magazine 1987, in order to focus on his inner... Read more

The Art of Love

Airs at: Tue, 11/11/2008 at 8:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Pathways
Dr. John F. Demartini is a professional speaker, author, and business consultant whose clients range from Wall Street financiers, financial planners, and corporate executives to health-care professionals, actors, and sports personalities. Founder of the Concourse of Wisdom ... Read more

Solitude: Seeking Wisdom in Extremes

Airs at: Sun, 11/02/2008 at 8:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Pathways
Bob Kull discusses his adventures and his book, Solitude: Seeking Wisdom in Extremes-A Year Alone in the Patagonia Wilderness. Years after a motorcycle accident left him with one leg, Bob traveled to a remote island in the Patagonia wilderness with supplies to live complete... Read more

Unplugged: How to Disconnect from the Rat Race

Airs at: Sun, 10/12/2008 at 8:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Pathways
Nancy Whitney-Reiter talks about her book, Unplugged: How to Disconnect from the Rat Race, Have an Existential Crisis, and Find Meaning and Fulfillment. She is a former economist and corporate market analyst. As a 9/11 survivor and Generation X-er, she found herself questio... Read more

Portland Insight Meditation Community

Airs at: Sun, 08/10/2008 at 8:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Pathways
Robert Beatty describes the Portland Insight Meditation Community. He brings 35 years of Buddhist practice to his teaching and therapy. He is a successor to Ruth Denison in the lineage of the Burmese master U Ba Khin. Robert is a member of the first wave of lay Theravada Bu... Read more