On Octobere 11, five climate activists shut off the flow of Canadian tar
sands oil through pipelines in Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana and
Washington. They broke into enclosures around cut-off valves for the four
pipelines, cut chains and carefully turned off the valve...
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October 12 is the traditional "Columbus Day," marking the day in 1492 the
first Columbus expedition made landfall in the Western Hemisphere, on an
island in the Caribbean. The day is still recognized as a national holiday in
the United States and throughout the Americas (th...
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Today (Wednesday, Oct. 5) in Portland there will be a Rally for Clean Air
before the Department of Environmental Quality holds its final statewide
Cleaner Air Oregon public forum 6-8 PM, at the Oregon Convention Center
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After AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka issued a statement on September 15
(link below) harshly criticizing Native Americans and others opposing the
Dakota Access Pipeline DAPL) , a growing number of progressive unions and
labor organizations--many of them AFL-CIO affi...
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