The Confessional



Contessa de la Luna Radio Host
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Every Sunday from 12:00am to 2:00am. 

Talk Radio with La Contessa de la Luna. Guilt Shame Fear Forgiveness Minor Felonies

Each of us has secrets, guilt, and shame we carry with us. These little (and sometimes big) secrets weigh us down, hold us back from reaching our own individual potential. Sometimes we hide these secrets to avoid being judged by others, sometimes we hide them to stay out of prison.

The fear of being discovered can lead to highly orchestrated daily activities to avoid being exposed, or it can hold one back from realizing true intimacy with others.

Share you secrets, joys, fears and minor felonies live on air with Contessa de la Luna in The Confessional, every Sunday, starting at Midnight on KBOO 90.7 or on internet.


You can find Contessa Luna Friday's 10PM - Midnight on shoutingfire taking your calls live.

Learn more about Contessa de la Luna at
Follow on Facebook at
Twitter @contessaluna
Email: [email protected]

"You are a child of the Universe, no less than the moon and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should." -- Max Ehrmann

KBOO Stream 1
Program status: 

The Confessional on 08/06/12

Airs at: Mon, 08/06/2012 at 12:00am - 2:00am
Produced for The Confessional

The Confessional on 07/30/12

Airs at: Mon, 07/30/2012 at 12:00am - 2:00am
Produced for The Confessional

The Confessional on 07/02/12

Airs at: Mon, 07/02/2012 at 12:00am - 2:00am
Produced for The Confessional
We want to hear you guilt, you shame and'a you minor felonies. xx Read more

The Confessional on 06/25/12

Airs at: Mon, 06/25/2012 at 12:00am - 2:00am
Produced for The Confessional
Call in and'a talk with La Contessa de la Luna, live on'a air in Confessional. Starting Midnight till 2 am. 503-231-8187. Read more

The Confessional on 06/18/12

Airs at: Mon, 06/18/2012 at 12:00am - 2:00am
Produced for The Confessional
Tune into The Confessional with Contessa de la Luna, starting at midnight till 3 am, Sundays. 503-231-8187. You'll feel cleaner on Monday. Read more

The Confessional on 09/19/11

Airs at: Mon, 09/19/2011 at 12:00am - 2:00am
Produced for The Confessional
 It'a "Talk'a Like'a La Contessa" day on program starting Midnight Sunday/Monday 12 am, on'a The Confessional. You call and'a talk'a like'a La Contessa! 503-231-8187 and'a if you not awake, you leave us message to play on air at'a 219-256-5862. You also can be friends with'a... Read more

The Confessional on 07/04/11

Airs at: Mon, 07/04/2011 at 12:00am - 2:00am
Produced for The Confessional
Mannequinhead to perform live on-air during Contessa de la Luna's The Confessional radio program. Performance will be at 1AM PST this Sunday Night (technically Monday morning) on the night of July 3rd (technically July 4th)  Listen locally in Portland on 90.7 FM radio List... Read more

The Confessional on 05/23/11

Airs at: Mon, 05/23/2011 at 12:00am - 2:00am
Produced for The Confessional
Enter the Confessional Read more

The Confessional on 04/25/11

Airs at: Mon, 04/25/2011 at 12:00am - 3:00am
Produced for The Confessional
Is'a special "You Talk Like'a La Contessa" call-in program tonight! We maybe talk about'a lust, greed, gluttony, envy, you get picture. AND you can'a do it in La Contessa's accent, if'a you like. Is fun! 503-231-8187 or you tell you sin story in recording at'a 219-256-... Read more

The Confessional on 04/11/11

Airs at: Mon, 04/11/2011 at 12:00am - 2:00am
Produced for The Confessional
Enter The Confessional This Week Tongue Twisters La Contessa little game. La Contessa, she want to play little game with'a you, and tongue twisters. She want'a you to pick one or more of'a them and'a call recording and'a read into phone (219)-256-5862, and'a we play on'a... Read more