Latest Content for Old Mole Variety Hour


Race and Racism: Beyond Obama

Airs at: Sun, 04/20/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
How more can progressives say about racism in the US that goes deeper than the issues of discrimination that have surfaced in the discussion of the Obama campaign?  Three  Moles have a roundtable discussion: Denise Morris, Laurie Mercier, and Luz María Gordillo. Read more

How To Rule the World

Airs at: Sun, 04/20/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 What lies beyond the Clinton era "soft" imperialism and the Bush era "hard" imperialism?  Journalist, activist, and policy analyst Mark Engler  talks  with Bill Resnick.  Engler is the author  of How to Rule the World: The Coming Battle Over the Global Economy.  He  will b... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour for April 21 2008

Airs at: Sun, 04/20/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Hosted by Denise Morris, this program deals with the Global Food Crisis, Racism in and beyond the Presidential campaign, and the future of US Foreign Policy.  You can hear the whole show by clicking on the arrow above, or individual pieces by clicking on the links below.  ... Read more

The Ludlow Massacre

Airs at: Tue, 04/15/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Ninety-four years ago this week, there was war in Colorado between coal miners and a Rockefeller mining company backed by the US government and the State of Colorado.  It ended in the Ludlow Massacre.   Tom Becker reads Howard Zinn's account from his People's  History of t... Read more

From Ludlow to Colombia

Airs at: Tue, 04/15/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Replaying the events  in Ludlow in 1914, the government of Colombia and its paramilitaries attack agricultural workers who try to organize for better pay and working conditions.  Dan Jaffee reads from an article by David Sirota. Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour for April 14, 2008

Airs at: Sun, 04/13/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Bill Resnick hosts this show as the Old Moles root out the underlying issues regarding taxes, the courage it takes to keep hope alive in hard times, labor struggles in Colorado and Colombia, and inequities in human health.  Listen to the whole show by clicking on the arrow... Read more

Why We Hate Taxes

Airs at: Sun, 04/13/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Taxes are due this week, so Bill Resnick and Mike  Leachman discuss why people hate paying taxes even though we wall need services they pay for.  Michael Leachman is a policy analyst at the Oregon Center for Public Policy, which does in-depth research and analysis on budge... Read more

The Internationale

Airs at: Sun, 04/13/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Bill Resnick talks about the great  socialist  anthem "The Internationale" and its history.    Read more

Inequities in Human Health

Airs at: Sun, 04/13/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 How does social inequality affect people's health?  Two health activists, Desiree Hellegers and Tricia Tillman, talk with Bill Resnick.  They are part of a major conference on Friday, April 18 at  Washington State University in Vancouver.  It's called "Health Disparities a... Read more

The Case for Veganism

Airs at: Sun, 04/06/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 There are more reasons than you may have dreamed of  why a vegan diet is good for you and the planet.  Matt Rosell and  Isa Chandra Moskowitz tell the Old Mole's  Bill Resnick about some of them.  Matt works with In Defense of Animals.  Isa is the author  of several vegan ... Read more