


Project Censored Benefit for KBOO

KBOO is excited to announce that the editors of Project Censored 2010 will be hosting a benefit for the station. All proceeds except book sales will go to KBOO.What: An Evening with Project CensoredWhen: 11/07/2009Time: 5-7:30PMWhere: First Unitarian Church Main Sanctuary  ... Read more

Wars, wars, and more wars... How many do we need at once?

Airs at: Tue, 10/13/2009 at 12:00am
 The Abe and Joe Talk Radio Show Hosted by Abe Proctor and Joe UrisToday's topic, besides the KBOO Pledge Drive, is all about the multitude of wars we are currently involved in.  This very day, we're fighting and bombing 3 different countries, one of which owns Nuclear Weap... Read more

The Legacy of Columbus

Airs at: Mon, 10/12/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 "Columbus Day" has been recalled -- renamed "International Day of Solidarity with Indigenous People."  Clayton Morgareidge reviews the resistance to the colonialism that started with Columbus and the continuing blindness to it, drawing on an article by Indigenous activist ... Read more

The Age of Cruelty and Royalty, and the Role of Capitalism

Airs at: Thu, 10/08/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Presswatch
Theresa Mitchell with the "news you're not supposed to know."  The topic is capitalism--the idea that human rights may be discarded by those who have funds to initiate economic activity.  This is the age of cruelty and royalty.  What's happened to our language?  Seven trill... Read more

Coal Burning Power Plants; NAFTA & GE Corn's effect on Mexico; and Shale Oil Development versus Clean Water

Airs at: Tue, 10/06/2009 at 12:00am
 The Abe and Joe Talk Radio Show Hosted by Joe Uris and Abe ProctorToday's topics, interspersed with Pleas for Money, are:The single most polluting entity in these here parts, PGE's Boardman Coal Fired Electricity PlantNAFTA, US Gov-Subsidized GE Corn and it's effect on the... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 10/01/09

Airs at: Thu, 10/01/2009 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
  Robin Hahnel is a radical economist and political activist. He is Professor Emeritus at American University in Washington, D.C. where he taught in the Department of Economics from 1976 – 2008. He has also taught at the University of Maryland at College Park, the Catholic... Read more

Special Programming: Public Affairs EconVergence on 10/07/09

Airs at: Wed, 10/07/2009 at 7:00am - 8:00pm
On Wednesday October 7th, join us for a Special News and Public Affairs Day! We’ll bring you a recording of Noam Chomsky’s October 2nd appearance in Portland, as well as other featured speakers from the EconVergence.  You’ll also hear from Cornell West, Carl Dix, and other ... Read more

The Cost of the Military Machine, Portland Police Taken to Task, and Problems with Changing the Status Quo.

Airs at: Tue, 09/29/2009 at 12:00am
 The Abe and Joe Talk Radio Show  Hosted by Abe Proctor and Joe Uris  Abe wasn't here today, so Joe led the show thru 3 topics:      The extreme costs of maintaining the Military Industrial Complex      Portland Police recently paid $175,000 for Excessive Force in a police b... Read more

September 28 Old Mole Variety Hour

Airs at: Mon, 09/28/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Hosted by Bill Resnick, this show features a conversation among seven people about their experiences with the healthcare system.  Nationally known author Max Blumenthal talks with Bill about his new book Republican Gomorrah -- the crashing and burning of the party at the h... Read more

Economic Policy in Pittsburgh

Airs at: Mon, 09/28/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
While protesters on the streets outside were being gassed by police, what were the world leaders doing inside?  Lots of pious promises to help the poor, but any action?  Bill Resnick talks with Arthur Stamoulis, Director of Oregon Fair Trade Campaign who has followed the ta... Read more