


Nury Turkel speaks on China's crackdown on Uighurs

Airs at: Sun, 08/02/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Evening News
Rebiya Kadeer is the head of the World Uighur Congress. She’s emerging as a sort of Dalai Lama for the Uighurs, an exiled spokesperson who draws the ire of the Chinese government. They blamed her for instigating the riots in Urumqi earlier this month, and now they’re condemn... Read more

The Emergency We Face: Corporate Rule!

Airs at: Wed, 07/22/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Presswatch
     On the 7/23/09 Presswatch, Theresa Mitchell with "the news you're not supposed to know."  When the symptoms are war, propaganda, poverty, environmental collapse, overcrowded prisons, currency collapse, loss of civil liberties, give-aways to the super-rich, and more ---... Read more

Goldman Sachs lives high on the taxpayer dole

Airs at: Mon, 07/20/2009 at 5:00pm
 Goldman Sachs lives high on the taxpayer dole  Hosted by: Abe Proctor  (Joe Uris is on vacation)   Abe digs in to a smokin' hot piece in Rolling Stone by Matt Taibbi, about how Goldman Sachs -- and a who's-who cast of Goldman alumni -- has for years engineered speculativ... Read more

Masters of the Universe, Redux

July 21, 2009 Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi gets to the heart of how one investment banking firm, Goldman Sachs, has engineered bubble after speculative bubble in the marketplace for years, always positioning itself to prosper in the wake of each disaster -- often at taxpayer... Read more

Portland Central American Solidarity Committee

Airs at: Tue, 07/14/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Locus Focus
 This morning on Guest Host Trillium Shannon speaks with members of the Portland Central America Solidarity Committee (PCASC), about the history of solidarity work, current events and trends in Latin America, and how local communities are responding.  Live, in the studio w... Read more

Portlanders break the blockade on Cuba!

Airs at: Tue, 07/07/2009 at 5:00pm
For more than 40 years, the Cuban people have faced an economic, commercial and financial blockade by the government of the United States of America.   Cubans say this is one of the most cruel, inhuman and prolonged policies of hostility endured by any people in the history ... Read more

Healthcare, Wingnuttery, and Al Franken

Airs at: Mon, 07/06/2009 at 5:00pm
 What if a week went by in America and nothing interesting happened? Not this week.  Hosted by: Abe Proctor.  (Joe Uris is on Summer Holiday)   What if a week went by in America and nothing interesting happened? Not this week. Abe takes a brief look at the many pots quickl... Read more

Solutions to Health Care and Climate Crisis Shackled by the Ultra-Rich?

Airs at: Wed, 07/01/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Presswatch
Host Theresa Mitchell with the "News You're not Supposed to Know." The ultra rich continue to hold a stunningly disproportionate share of the world's wealth--and guess what?  They don't want to share.  And our government is reluctant to inconvenience them.  So government co... Read more

More Talk Radio on 07/03/09

Airs at: Fri, 07/03/2009 at 5:00pm - 5:30pm
Produced for Fight the Empire
Per Fagereng speaks with Norman Solomon about the State Budget Crises, with a focus on California.  How is war spending gutting our State coffers? Norman Solomon is a nationally syndicated columnist on media and politics. He has been writing the weekly "Media Beat" column s... Read more

Roundtable discussion about Hawaiian sovereignty and the Akaka bill

Airs at: Thu, 06/04/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for APA Compass
APA Compass member Elaine Cha hosts a discussion with author and professor Dr. Kēhaulani Kauanui and Native Pacific Islander and activist Angela Robinson. They discuss Hawaiian sovereignty and the Akaka Bill. Read more