


John R. Talbott, author of "The 86 Biggest Lies on Wall Street"

Airs at: Sun, 05/17/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for More Talk Radio
Hosts Cecil Prescod and Celeste Carey speak with John R. Talbott, former investment banker for Goldman Sachs and Visiting Scholar at UCLA's Anderson School of Management. His new book is "The 86 Biggest Lies on Wall Street." Talbott will talk about the lies and the truth of... Read more

Obama's Suitmaker to be liquidated

Airs at: Mon, 05/18/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Evening News
  The saga of Barack Obama’s suitmaker has become a symbol for labor rights activists around the country who are concerned about the misuse of government bailout funds. KBOO’s Chloe Paisley has more:   Read more

Dubya, Hammer of God

May 18, 2009 Remember, back in those nightmare years surrounding the initial invasion and occupation of Iraq? Remember when we would speculate, half in jest, that Dubya was an unhinged, end-times, Book-of-Revelation, whackjob war leader? That he was, ha-ha, doing God's work... Read more

The Forbidden Photos

May 18, 2009 Here are the photos your president doesn't want you to see. The photos are too large for me to upload -- just go have a look. -A   Read more

Ramona Africa: What the Corporate Media Didn’t Tell You about May 13, 1985!

Airs at: Thu, 04/23/2009 at 5:00pm
What the Corporate Media Didn’t Tell You about May 13, 1985!   The sole adult survivor of the May 13, 1985 massacre of 11 members of the MOVE organization is Ramona Africa. The the City of Philadelphia and the FBI and  dropped a C4 bomb on MOVE’s 6221 Osage Avenue home in W... Read more

Mumia Abu-Jamal on His Birthday

Airs at: Thu, 04/23/2009 at 5:00pm
Mumia Abu-Jamal is a renowned journalist from Philadelphia who has been inprisoned since 1981.   Mumia  has been on death row since 1983 tried and convicted for allegedly shooting Daniel Faulkner a Philadelphia police officer.  Because of his his award - winning reporting ... Read more

Robert King: Angola 3

Airs at: Thu, 04/23/2009 at 5:00pm
The Case of the Angola 3 Some 36 years ago, deep in rural Louisiana, three young black men were silenced for trying to expose continued segregation, systematic corruption, and horrific abuse in the biggest prison in the US, an 18,000-acre former slave plantation called Ango... Read more

Community Calendar Tuesday May 5 2009

Airs at: Mon, 05/04/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Community Calendar
KBOO COMMUNITY CALENDAR TUESDAY May 5 2009 This is the community calendar for Tuesday May 5 2009 Everyone is welcome Tuesday May 5 (today) at the Wild Oats on NE 15th and Fremont to the Eastside democratic meeting, which happens every first Tuesday at noon. This is a p... Read more

Political Perspectives on 4/29/09

Airs at: Wed, 04/29/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Political Perspectives
Per Fagereng speaks with writer and peak oil researcher Mike Ruppert, whose latest book is "A Presidential Energy Policy" which will be published on May Day. CD-1361 Read more

Patrice Lumumba Ford - one of the "Portland Seven."

Airs at: Thu, 04/23/2009 at 5:00pm
On 10/04/2002 Patrice  Lumumba Ford was arrested along with 3 other suspects of the Portland Seven in Portland, Oregon. He was accused of traveling overseas in a conspiracy to wage war against the United States, provide material support and resources to Al Qaeda and contrib... Read more