


The Left and the Law

Airs at: Mon, 03/22/2021 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
The Manhattan District Attorney’s office is moving ahead with the criminal investigation of Donald Trump for unlawful business practices. Jan Haaken and Mike Snedeker talk about the case and why it’s important for the government to prosecute Trump, as well as what can be le... Read more

Community-Engaged Policing

Airs at: Mon, 03/22/2021 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Bill Resnick interviews Elliott Smith and Taji Chesimet co-chairs of the Portland Committee on Community-Engaged Policing. They’ll be discussing replacing police as first responders to the problems of houselessness, mental health emergencies, school disorder, minor drug use... Read more

The "Shelter to Housing Continuum" proposal, and other topics

Airs at: Wed, 03/17/2021 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Wednesday Talk Radio Read more

Preventing Overdose Deaths

Airs at: Wed, 03/17/2021 at 12:00am - 12:30am
Produced for Century Of Lies
Supervised consumption sites could soon be opening in California. We hear from the lead sponsor of Senate Bill 57, State Senator Scott Weiner along with Senator Susan Eggman and Senator Lena Gonzalez. Read more

Beavers could see new protections with potential state legislation

Airs at: Thu, 03/11/2021 at 5:30pm - 5:45pm
Produced for Evening News, News In Depth
  House Bill 2843 is waiting to be scheduled for a hearing and work session by Oregon’s House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources. If passed the bill would prevent the hunting and trapping of beavers on public lands. KBOO’s Nick Campigli spoke with Dr. Suzanne F... Read more

Bills in Oregon Legislature create opportunity for changing police culture

Airs at: Tue, 03/09/2021 at 5:30pm - 5:45pm
Produced for Evening News, News In Depth
  A number of bills in the Oregon Legislature this session are aimed at addressing police accountability and changing police culture.  KBOO's Ethan Sandweiss spoke with Maria Cahill, a volunteer from Pacific Northwest Family Circle, a group of Oregon and Washington familes... Read more

Beaver Taught Salmon To Jump

Airs at: Mon, 03/15/2021 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
Beavers have been called “Nature’s Engineers.” In fact, the Army of Corps of Engineers could learn a lot from beavers. Instead of re-engineering nature to serve narrow human interests, beavers engineer the natural environment to serve not just their own needs, but the needs... Read more

Colonialism, Exploitation, Patriarchy and Violence against Indigenous Women

Airs at: Mon, 03/08/2021 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Colonialism, Exploitation of Indigenous Lands, Patriarchy and Violence against Indigenous Women. Desiree Hellegers talks with Lana Jack, Celilo Wyam activist/organizer and Director of the Columbia River Indian Center about the upcoming March 10 anniversary of the inundation... Read more

Patriotic Dissent: America in the Age of Endless War - Ep 78 (Evergreen)

Airs at: Thu, 03/11/2021 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Fortress On A Hill
This is a evergreen episode.  It was originally aired on September 7, 2020.  It's here folks!!  Danny's new book is out first thing tomorrow.  You can find it right here at Heyday Books.  For this episode, Danny and I broke down the book a bit, discussing the differences b... Read more