


The D - US Social Forum 2010

Airs at: Wed, 07/21/2010 at 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Produced for Circle A Radio
This June, the US Social Forum took place in Detroit, Michigan.  Circle A Radio brings you audio from this massive convergence of movement elders, social justice activists, and community organizers from all over the United States and the World! This program features Sophia... Read more

Bridget B. is Back!

Guess who's back for a little air-time injection.  It's me, Bridget B., and Paula was kind enough to make a way for me to have a little air-time on KBOO this Thursday evening from 8pm - 10pm. Not only will I play some of my favorite music, but I'm set to interview community... Read more

YWCA's TOP program for women

Airs at: Mon, 09/13/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Prison Pipeline
Visitors from YWCA’s TOP Program talked about women transitioning out of incarceration.. Robyn Fountain, Program Manager of Transition Services and Suzi Penn, graduate of the TOP Program each had observations to share with Prison Pipeline listeners. Read more

Voices from the Edge on 09/09/2010

Airs at: Thu, 09/09/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
    var YAHOO = {'Shortcuts' : {}}; if (typeof YAHOO == "undefined") { var YAHOO = {}; } YAHOO.Shortcuts = YAHOO.Shortcuts || {}; YAHOO.Shortcuts.hasSensitiveText = false; YAHOO.Shortcuts.sensitivityType = []; YAHOO.Shortcuts.doUlt = false; YAHOO.Shortcuts.location = "us"; ... Read more

Voices from the Edge: Will Portland's new police chief fire the officer responsible for fatally shooting Aaron Campbell?

Airs at: Thu, 09/02/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Will Portland's new police chief fire the officer responsible for fatally shooting Aaron Campbell? The city's independent review board recommended that action, but will Chief Reese - as well as his boss, Mayor Sam Adams - oppose the Portland Police Association? This week on... Read more

Voices from the Edge: Hurricane Katrina

Airs at: Thu, 08/26/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans five years ago this week. Katrina's impact went beyond the loss of life and property to reveal deeply rooted attitudes about race many Americans thought had withered away. Jo Ann and Dave talked about the various aspects of Katrin... Read more

Voices from the Edge: Is the party really over? Alberta Street Last Thursday.

Airs at: Thu, 08/19/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Is the party really over?  JoAnne and Dave discussed Alberta Street Last Thursday in NE Portland. The conversation doesn't end when the program does. You can join in additional discussion of the week's issue on our blog at kboo.fm/voicesfromtheedge (click on the "blog" tab)... Read more

Got Class?

Airs at: Fri, 08/20/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Bread and Roses
Joshunda Sanders is a writer for the Statesman, in Austin , TX . Her previous journalism experiences included working for the Houston Chronicle, the Beaumont Enterprise, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and the San Francisco Chronicle. Her creative nonfiction essays have appe... Read more