Abe and Joe unpack and compare the Green New Deal and Trump’s budget.
SPOILER ALERT: One of them has some really dumb stuff in it. Plus: We no
nothing about the Mueller report because we haven’t seen it.
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Once again, the President of the United States was offered an opportunity to
denounce white supremacy. Once again, he declined. Abe and Joe discuss how
the president has made America great for racists again.
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Dan Handelman of Peace and Justice Works joins Abe and Joe to discuss
Portland’s future — or lack thereof — as a member of the federal Joint
Terrorism Task Force.
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Many Americans feel compelled, out of a sense of civic duty, to take in the
annual State of the Union address. Sadly, this year, those Americans will be
treated to a grotesque farce. Abe and Joe take your calls.
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