It's not just the postwar European order that's fracturing -- the whole damn
world is in the midst of a realignment. Following on last week's
conversation, Abe and Joe look at the recent rash of terrorist attacks in
Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Bangladesh.
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The wave of reactionary nationalism that is roiling both sides of the
Atlantic culminated last week with the United Kingdom's vote to leave the
European Union. That ominous sound you hear is the fracturing of the postwar
world order. Abe and Joe examine the fallout and take...
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Tuesday's California primary will likely decide whether the Democratic
nomination is over, or if it will go all the way to the convention. The one
left standing will square off against perhaps the most improbable major party
nominee in history. It's all very strange. Abe an...
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The postwar decades in the United States saw an unprecedented confluence of
progressive elements: strong unions, activist government, robust investment
in education and infrastructure, high taxes on the wealthy, and -- above all
-- a moral and spiritual awakening around equ...
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With the Democratic nomination all but sewed up for Hillary Clinton, the
Bernie Sanders campaign is working to make sure its priorities are
represented in the party platform and -- ultimately -- in a second Clinton
adminstration. The deal that was just worked out suggests t...
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The Grand Old Party has nominated as its presidential standardbearer a
wealthy, anti-intellectual businessman with no Washington experience. Even to
many insiders, George W. Bush -- err, Donald J. Trump embodies a party in
thrall to its most racist, militant, reactionary me...
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We're one week out from the Oregon Primary, folks. Whom do you support? If
you're a Republican, the choice has already been made. If you're a Democrat,
the choice has all but been made. If you're neither, then whom do you choose?
For a closer look at a contest near and dear...
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It's KBOO's Spring Membership Drive! Abe and Joe survey the wreckage of the
presidential election, take your calls, and welcome new members to the KBOO
family -- just as Prince would have wanted.
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