While the circus plays on in the White House, Senate Republicans are once
again pushing for a vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Don't be
distracted by Trump's puppet show -- this bill will kill people, and it
needs to be stopped. Abe and Joe take your calls.
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Yes, he's horrible. Yes, he's incredibly embarrassing. Yes, he's clearly
incompetent and, quite possibly, a traitor. But what are the real, measurable
impacts of Donald Trump's presidency so far, and what can we expect before
the end? Abe and Joe take your calls.
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Lefties -- historically, we're a pretty diverse and fragmented bunch. These
days, though, we all seem to be united around the notion that Donald Trump,
modern conservatism, and all they represent need to be vigorously opposed.
But what shape should the Resistance take? Abe ...
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Would a group of duly elected representatives actually attempt to take away
the health care of their fellow citizens? Of their constitutents? Yes, yes
they would.
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Abe & Joe welcome former Green Party Presidential candidate Ralph Nader
during KBOO's Spring Membership Drive.
In Breaking Through Power, Nader draws from a lifetime waging—and often
winning—David vs. Goliath battles against big corporations and the United
States governmen...
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