In 2015, President Barack Obama issued a plan to restore 7 million acres of
land for pollinators and called it the National Strategy to Promote the
Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators. While that was a good start, it
doesn't address the 4,000 species of native bees i...
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A devastating expose of the harmful effects of synthetic pesticides, Rachel
Carson’s Silent Spring was an unlikely bestseller when published in the
fall of 1962. Immersing herself in a dauntingly wide-ranging body of
technical and scientific evidence, Carson turned a series...
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Late this past winter, the Army Corps of Engineers spilled about 474 gallons
of turbine oil into the Columbia River at The Dalles Dam. This is not the
first time that dam turbine oil has spilled into the river. Oil spills occur
on a routine basis at Columbia and Snake river...
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In the struggle to prevent massive fossil fuel projects from transforming
Northwest communities into centers for oil, coal and fracked gas facilities,
proponents of these projects claim these terminals, refineries and
production facilities will create much needed jobs. Whil...
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Port Westward, owned and operated by the Port of St. Helens, is ground zero
for a string of controversial fossil fuel developments, including fracked
gas, coal, and oil terminals. The Port recently announced plans to renew a
lease option with Northwest Innovation Works to b...
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Participatory Budgeting is one of the fastest-growing municipal democratic
reforms in the world. It began in Brazil in the late 1980s and has since
spread to cities across the globe. But what is Participatory Budgeting, how
does it work, and how is it different from other f...
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This program originally aired on January 15, 2018.
Donald Trump is targeting the Pacific Northwest for accelerated fossil fuel
development. He brought the Jordan Cove LNG terminal in Coos Bay back from
the dead, designating it as the highest priority site for LNG develop...
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Tacoma, Washington is one of the few cities in the Northwest where there is a
long legacy of heavy industrial contamination. The fossil fuel industry plays
a big role in the local economy, but Tacoma residents have also begun to
fight back against further fossil fuel develo...
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When Scott Freeman and his family decided to transform a damaged creek in
Washington’s Olympic Peninsula from a drainage ditch back into a stream
that could again nurture salmon, they knew the task would be formidable and
the rewards plentiful. In Saving Tarboo Creek, Scott...
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In 2016 while on the campaign trail, then-candidate Donald Trump alarmed
leaders throughout the world when he said during a Town Hall, that there are
several scenarios in which nuclear weapons should be employed by the U.S.,
including against ISIS. "Somebody hits us within ...
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