When Scott Freeman and his family decided to transform a damaged creek in
Washington’s Olympic Peninsula from a drainage ditch back into a stream
that could again nurture salmon, they knew the task would be formidable and
the rewards plentiful. In Saving Tarboo Creek, Scott...
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In 2016 while on the campaign trail, then-candidate Donald Trump alarmed
leaders throughout the world when he said during a Town Hall, that there are
several scenarios in which nuclear weapons should be employed by the U.S.,
including against ISIS. "Somebody hits us within ...
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Before oil and coal project proposals started popping up in communities
across the Pacific Northwest, plans to build Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)
terminals were emerging along the coastline from Oregon to British
Columbia. And now that nearly every proposed oil and coal termina...
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The Hanford Nuclear Reservation, along the Columbia River in eastern
Washington, is the most contaminated nuclear site in the Western Hemisphere.
Clean up of its innumerous leaking tanks and unlined pits of radioactive
waste has been moving at a glacial pace for forty years...
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Now that Northwest communities have turned back nearly every coal and oil
project proposed for the region, the "natural" gas industry is upping its
ante in the Northwest. Actually before massive oil and coal export terminals
began to threaten Oregon and Washington, Liquid N...
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For four and a half years community and climate activists, health care
workers, teachers, longshoremen and first responders in the
Portland-Vancouver region have been working hard to stop the largest
oil-by-rail terminal in North America, from being built at the Port of
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Last week, the bulk of the National Parks Service advisory board resigned en
masse in condemnation of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's abject indifference
to climate change and the department's massive roll back of protections for
public lands. This comes on top of the Trump...
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This spring, Oregon has the opportunity to take a major step in the
transition from polluting energy to a clean energy future. The Clean Energy
Jobs bill, currently being considered by the Oregon legislature, limits
climate pollution and invests in clean energy strategies t...
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Donald Trump is targeting the Pacific Northwest for accelerated fossil fuel
development. He brought the Jordan Cove LNG terminal in Coos Bay back from
the dead, designating it as the highest priority site for LNG development on
the West Coast. And now he is opening up the c...
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Toward the end of 2016 Sightline Institute's Programs Director Eric de Place
created a Trump Time Capsule project. He sent out an email to his friends and
colleagues asking them to write down their predictions for the future, trying
to envision the unusual events and disrup...
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